The news

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After waiting 8 hours the dr finally came out with news

Dr- family of alyass smith

They are got up and flew over to the dr

Dr- frist off I got to know who everyone is before I can tell you anything about her

Katie- I'm her mom

Toby- I'm her dad

Amy- I'm her sister and this little boy her brother

Devon- I'm her soon to be hubby

Dr- ok I'm sorry but you have to wait for them to tell you about her your not family

Toby- he family he can know now

Dr.well the good news is that she alive and breathing and the bad news is she not breathing that good so we got her hocked up on life support and a heart monitor that's what's keeping her alive right now is the life support

Katie- can we see her

Dr- they are watching the monitor right now but as soon as they get done I will let you know then you can see her

Katie- ok

Devon- it's ain't good not at all my princess is only alive cos of life support without there she would be dead is that what they was saying

Toby- sit down Devon

Katie- I'm so sorry but yes that what they are saying right now that's the only thing keeping her alive

Devon breaks out in tears

Amy- Devon I know is hard to have to go though this but we all here for you we both have to be there for each other right now

Devon- I know we do and I know that it's hard on every one of us but I feel so bad I shouldn't been at the cafe at all then raven couldn't kiss me and if she didn't kiss me me and alyass wouldn't got into and broken up and if we didn't break up she wouldn't been looking for me she wouldn't been outside and so there for she wouldn't got shot all this is my fault

Toby- it's not your fault everything haves for a reason sometimes we don't understand than reason but it happeneds and it was meant to be the way it is it was going to happened no matter where it was

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