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(Your Pov)

Light bounced around the edges of the cave, from the many fires aglow. Hatchlings bounded after one another just as much, diving around the legs of their parents, while subconsciously avoiding any unexpected stalactites hanging from the ceiling. The larger ones of your breed chuckled as they watched from the sidelines, enjoying what simple peace they could.

Then you woke up.

Now, the fires were put out in fear of being discovered. Children were hidden away, kept with any elders remaining. The only laughter you heard came from the monsters who slew family after family of your kind.

Your eyes flip open, finding yourself huddled against your mother's side. She cranes her neck to look down at you, managing to spare a small smile. But the terror in her eyes give the truth away.

The days of running were over. There was nowhere left to hide.

Your parents talked about this day a thousand times before, discussing possible plans when they thought you were asleep. You knew more than you most likely should, and you were pretty sure they realised that.

"Is it time?" You call up to her, the battle outside echoing off the cave walls. It felt as though every week you flew to somewhere new, all over Asgard's terrible land. But like any realm, there were no more options.

"Yes, my darling." Her head nuzzled against your side, and you sigh. The concept of becoming human... it terrified you. You've only ever known life as a dragon, and no longer being able to fly, breathe fire, do magic-

How could one live such a limited life?

Let alone Midgard. You'd be away from your parents before even being considered of age. You wanted to plead why. How could they do this? How could they send you away?

But you knew that whatever terrified your kind- that hunted your species until only their memories remained- you couldn't hold against it. Not you, your parents, nor any other dragon.

Claw steps sounded from the opening, and you recognised them as your father. He walked quickly, hiding a limp best he could. You run up to him, satisfied to have a final hug goodbye.

With soldiers marching closer, your parents glance at each other. Before turning to you. "Remember, Y/N. Always remember who you are. Stay hidden, stay safe." Your father says.

"Don't tell anyone what you really are. Keep your abilities hidden." Your mother says, planting a kiss on your forehead. A heavy wave washes over your body.

"We love you so much."

Their words echo in your head, as you can feel their magic embrace you. Swaddling you gently, slowly causing you to grow farther apart. Pressure pokes at your every side. It feels as though the walls of the cave were crumbling around you, the only protection from the pain being a soothing magic blanket. Your last comfort- your last gift from them.


When you wake on a world not your own, you realise their plan worked. The cold sent a shiver down your spine, the wind nipping at every area of exposed skin. You felt fragile. Oh so fragile. Your teeth were dull, your claws replaced with thin nails. The horns on your head disappeared, just as well as your tail.

And your wings- oh, your wings. You felt along your back for them, finding nothing more than bare skin.

Breathing became difficult, resulting in you opening your mouth to pant out of habit. Only to find a thick tongue flopping around instead of the thin flicker that it was before. You glance around, finding the world devoid of color, sound, and all things that your senses should have picked up on. Your dragon senses, that is.

Then again, you were human now, right? And this... All of this, would take some getting used to.

(A/N: Hello everyone! Thanks for checking out my new book! Hopefully this gets past 6 chapters... heh. Thank you so much for reading!)

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