evil russians and ride on horses (s3e2)

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Breakfast the next morning was awkward.

Maitlyn avoided looking at or talking to her mom besides mumbling a quiet 'thank you' when she placed a pancake down on her plate.

As much as Maitlyn absolutely hated to admit it, her mom seemed so much cheerier and happier than usual. The only logical reasoning Maitlyn could come up with is that she was thinking about whatever happened last night.

After she was finished eating, Maitlyn filled a thermos full of coffee and slid it into the side pocket of her work bag.

"Are you ready? Give me one minute to find my car keys," Karen says.

"It's fine mom. I'm gonna bike to work today."

"Oh. Are you sure? It's a nice ways away honey."

"I'm sure," Maitlyn simply replied, putting on her shoes.

"Well since she doesn't need a ride, would you mind dropping me off at Will's?" Maitlyn hears her little brother ask.

She arrives at work a little late, being met with the sight of Steve and another one of Mike's friends, Dustin. They were sitting at a table together, a banana split in front of Dustin. Maitlyn didn't even wanna know why they were together or what was going on in all honesty.

She walks over, joining Robin behind the counter.

"You're late," Robin says. She's not angry or anything, just stating that Maitlyn was in fact late.

"Yeah I know. I'm sorry."

"It's all good."

Maitlyn's weirded out expression returns as she looks back over to Steve and Dustin. "How many children is he friends with?"

"That's exactly what I said!" Robin exclaims.

"What is he saying?" Maitlyn asks again. Her and Robin continue to watch as Dustin repeats something over and over to Steve.

"I intercepted a secret Russian communication!" Dustin suddenly says definitely louder than needed.

Robin and Maitlyn look at each other in unison.

"What the hell..." Robin trails off.

"I don't even wanna know," Maitlyn says.

Robin hands Erica Sinclair, Lucas' sister, her probably 30th sample.

"Can I try the peppermint stick?" Erica asks.

"Haven't you already tried the peppermint stick?" Maitlyn asks.

"Yes. And I'd like to try it again."

"Steve!" Robin calls out.

Both Robin and Maitlyn make their way into the back where Steve and Dustin were listening to the same tape over and over again.

"Alright babysitting time is over, you need to get in there. Maitlyn and I deserve a break now," Robin says. "Hey, my board! That was important data shitbirds."

They've erased Robin's "data" as she called it, as the board now has the Russian alphabet with the english alphabet underneath each letter written on it.

"I guarantee you, what we're doing is much more important that your data," Dustin says.

"Yeah? And how do you know these Russians are up to no good anyways?" Robin asks.

"Exactly, they could just be normal people trying to live their lives," Maitlyn says.

"How do they know about the Russians?" Dustin loudly whispers to Steve.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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