
Start from the beginning

Julie rose her eyebrows. "Because that worked so well for you last time."

Robin's interest piqued. "What happened last time?"

"It doesn't matter," Steve quickly wrote off and turned back, "and uncalled for, and quite frankly hurtful from you." He shifted the weight between his legs, not hiding the fact he had taken offence.

Julie tilted her head. "I'll admit that was too far. Sorry."

He slowly inched forward again and said, "Get over here and I might consider accepting that apology."

Julie winced. "But the children."

"And Robin," Robin reminded, but Steve didn't do so much as flinch.

"Screw them," he shrugged off.

"Ouch," Robin commented wryly. "Did the scooper we shared mean nothing to you?"

Steve looked over his shoulder that time. "Actually, it was my scooper and you stole it."

"Borrowed without permission."

"Whilst I would love to hear you guys bicker like an old married couple," Julie spoke up, causing Steve to spin back around, "I should motor." She pulled her hands off the counter. "My shift isn't for another hour so I'm just passing through. I got a few cassettes," she gestured the plastic bag in the air.

"I don't get why you don't take the ones you gave Max back," Steve said.

"Well, why do you let Dustin keep Risky Business on VHS?"

"Risky Business?" Robin repeated judgmentally. "Seriously?"

"Thank you," Julie said relievedly. She glanced over at a now annoyed Steve, "You're not doing the kid any favours." Then back over at Robin. "Did he tell you he dressed up as Tom Cruise's character for Halloween last year?"

"He didn't have to. I'm pretty sure half of my gym class talked about it for at least a week."

"At least?" Steve mused smugly. "I knew I looked pretty sharp, but it must have been the Ray Bans."

Julie quirked her eyebrows at that. "Humble as always."

"It's a part of the charm."


She glanced to her right and became face to face with none other than Mark Lewinsky.

She hadn't seen or spoken to him since early graduation, and here he was in a popping orange vest, shades brighter than his ever-glowing tan, and khaki shorts high up his thighs. Summer ready like the next person.

"Hey," Julie gleamed. "I haven't seen you in a lifetime."

"Well, ever since the AP chem test kicked my ass, I've been in hiding."

She tilted her head. "I'm sure that's not true."

"No, it really is, I totally flunked it. Won't be surprised if they hold me back a year."

"That's tough," Steve inputted, the both of them looking over to where he truly looked as apathetic as he sounded.

Julie ignored him, maintaining pleasantries with a kind smile. "Are you buying ice cream for you and Bonnie?"

"Anna, actually," Mark corrected.

Julie's eyebrows rose. "Jacobi?"

"The one and only."

"Wow." Steve watched them go back and forth. "She's really pretty."

"Yeah, I know. Can't believe it either. It's nice to see at least one of us made it." When Julie looked at him confusedly, he gestured between her and Steve. "You guys are still together?"

"Yeah, and we're going strong, too," Steve answered for her earnestly.

Julie could read Steve perfectly and suppressed the urge to laugh. So, she only rolled her eyes instead and let her eyes linger on the floor.

"That's nice to hear," Mark nodded.

"Are you going to order?" Steve prompted with every intention of getting him out of there as quickly as he could manage.

And it worked. Mark picked a vanilla and a cookie crunch and wrapped up the conversation with Julie with the typical, "We should catch up sometime."

And to calm down any nerves festering itself in her boyfriend, Julie agreed and suggested a double date.

Steve frowned and said he'd have to check his schedule.

But much to his relief, Mark was saying his goodbyes and walking away.

Robin rolled her eyes at the trainwreck of an interaction. She had watched it play out every now and again between reading a book her English teacher recommended, until she eventually couldn't look away.

Mark stopped to call out to Julie again, just steps away from the doorway, "Oh, and Brenner!"

She looked over her shoulder, humming in acknowledgement softly. Steve glared at the ceiling.

"I liked your speech at graduation. It was good."

Julie laughed, flattered, and Steve subtly rolled his eyes. "Thank you."

And on the note of one last crooked smile, Mark turned around again and walked away for good.

Steve's eyes followed him closely. "For a guy that sit on the bench all year, he sure knows how to play the field."

Julie looked at him pointedly. "It really couldn't have hurt you to play nice?"

"I was nice," Steve said defensively whilst shrugging his shoulders. "Even with him flirting with my girlfriend right in front of me, which is almost kind of like a compliment if you think about it."

"Okay. Well, I have to go. Robin, it's always a pleasure." She two-finger saluted at Julie. "Steve, put on your hat."

Steve frowned at her back as she walked away. "But you love my hair."

She glanced over her shoulder and replied, "Well, I'd love it even more on the body of a person that's not just been fired from their job." She bared a tight-lipped smile and continued on her way.

Then after a long moment, Steve hopelessly called out, "I love you!" but she was already turning out into the mall.

He exhaled a deflating sigh, and once his shoulders finished sinking, Robin stepped beside him and sat his sailor's hat securely on his head.

"She's really good for you," she said. "And dare I say almost too good for you."

And Steve exhaustedly replied, "Tell me about it."

But regardless of how true the sentiment was, it didn't matter. Julie loved him, and there was no mistaking just how much he loved her.

If she ever doubted that much, the words sitting on her chest would prove otherwise, as well as the flower.

𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒 • Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now