you have a bad dream

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You ran your hand across your face as you continued to try and catch your breath.

Wiping the beads of sweat off of your forehead, you closed your tired eyes and panted heavily.

You woke up a few minutes ago from a terrible dream and you're still reeling from it all.

The nightmare continues to play through your mind.

It had been horrible.

You still remember the figure that had chased you and how it seemed as though you were moving in slow motion and couldn't escape it.

You still remember the fear and the terror you felt and it seemed so real that you can feel it even now.

You thought about going downstairs so you didn't wake your girlfriends because, truth be told, you doubt you're getting back to sleep tonight.

And it was only after four am.

But before you could move, you felt a hand fall against your back and you jumped, only to hear Selena shushing you softly.

"Shh. I'm sorry, baby." She spoke as she turned the lamp on.

Taylor stirred from the sudden light in the room.

"What's going on?" She sleepily mumbled.

"I woke up a minute ago to Y/N breathing heavily," Selena explained.

"Are you okay, darling?" Taylor asked as she and Selena began to comfort you.

"I had a bad dream." You explained. "An awful, horrible dream."

"Oh, baby," Selena said as she squeezed you tight.

"It's okay, honey. It was just a nightmare. It's not real." Taylor comforted as she kissed your neck softly.

"I know. It was just so bad, it keeps lingering with me." You said as you let out a shaky breath.

They gently pulled you back down on the bed and gave you the most comforting and gentle hugs and kisses that they could.

"You're safe," Selena whispered in your ear.

"You don't have anything to worry about. Everything's okay." Taylor promised.

A moment of silence passed by.

You were starting to calm down, thanks to the love and security you felt because of them.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Selena asked.

"No. I just want to lay here with you both holding me and making me feel safe." You said.

They both gave you a kiss on your cheek before squeezing you a little tighter.

"We love you so much, baby," Taylor said as she began to play with your hair.

"Whatever it was that had you so shaken up, just know that it was only a dream. This is real, baby. Us here with you, keeping you warm and safe. You have no reason to be frightened anymore. We've got you." Selena promised.

You gave them both a loving kiss before putting your head on the pillow.

Focusing on their comforting touches, the warmth of their arms, and the safety you felt all thanks to them helped you to forget all about your terrible nightmare.

You knew nothing could ever hurt you; not when you have two beautiful, loving girlfriends here to protect and love you endlessly.

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