"Are you sure this guy is legit?" Mike questioned Robin as we all sat in the living room. As I waited to hear what Robin had to say, I looked up to find Dustin and Juliet walking downstairs. Juliet's hair was wet from taking a shower and she sniffled as Dustin kept his arm around her shoulders. He kept whispering something into her ear, making Juliet let out a small laugh as she looked up at him with teary eyes. 

"Yes, he's legit. He helped me years ago when I broke my arm." Robin stated.

"Why wouldn't you just go to the hospital like a normal person?" Steve joined in on the twenty questions being thrown at Robin. 

"Because, dingus, not everyone has rich parents like you." Robin batted her eyes sarcastically over at Steve as he scratched the back of his head, not knowing what to say next.

Suddenly, there was a door shut from upstairs followed by footsteps leading down the stairs. The whole room stood up as we looked over at the man who helped (Y/N). We couldn't wait any longer for answers. We needed them now. 

"So? What's the news?" Robin ushered him to speak. 

"The news is that she will be fine." It was the first time I heard his voice. He had a thick German accent that somehow made him sound a little more sophisticated. "She needs rest. The worst of it is a fever and a few bruised ribs, but just give her some Tylenol then she will be better." 

"That's it?" Steve spoke up, offending the man that stood there glaring at him through the lens of his glasses. 

"Yes, that is it. She needs rest." He repeated himself. 

"Thank you so much, doctor." Robin shook his head and lead him towards the door. They chatted for a little longer before she basically shoved him outside. 

Juliet was the first to head upstairs, checking up on her sister before heading to bed. Everyone else said a quick goodbye to her sleeping form then left to go home, trying to forget any of this ever happened.

Once everyone had left, I locked the door and went up to see her. I took a deep breath in as I twisted the doorknob and stepped into the dark room. The only light came from a small nightlight that was plugged in across the room. 

I walked over to (Y/N) and sat on the edge of the bed, taking her hand into mine. My eyes trailed up to her peaceful face as I listened to her breathing. Just the small sound of her breath brought butterflies to life inside of my chest. I felt like she was safe now. Jason and Andy could no longer hurt her. 

A small smile came to my face as I looked back down at her hand. I began to twist the ring on her finger, remembering the day that I gave it to her. The smile she showed me that took my breath away as she looked at me with pure adoration. 

"Eddie?" I heard her groan, catching my attention. I looked up at her as she twisted her body underneath the covers. 

"I'm here, darling." My voice almost cracked from the different emotions that ran through my body all at once. 

I waited for an answer, but the only response I received was breathing. She was back to sleep. She seemed like she was completely drained of power, which made sense after what she just recently went through. I could never imagine the pain she had to endure. 

I sighed before standing up and kissing her forehead. My lips lingered there for a moment, never wanting to leave her soft skin. After a moment, I pulled back and let go of her hand. 

(Y/N)'s POV

The next morning, I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a train. My body ached dramatically and I felt nauseous. I didn't feel like I had a fever anymore, which helped a lot, but I still didn't want to open my eyes. I didn't know what to expect. 

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