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Okay, so I was thinking of posting this for a long time. So yeah, I want to give us a name. We are family so we deserve to be called by a name and after thinking for so long, I decided on a name.

I know this could be weird but this is the best I could think of. So the name is Warriors.

Because we all are fighters, survivors. We saw something which not many cans, we all went through things but we didn't let it overpower our will to live happily again.

Just like Y/n we also fought battles we can't tell openly but deep down it bruised us somehow. What we went through makes us wiser and stronger just like a Warrior.

First I thought of adding my name to it, but this family is not just about me, it's about us. If my book is thriving it's just because you all are supporting and reading it.  So thank you for your support.

Keep fighting Warriors, keep thriving.

Keep reading, keep supporting.

Stay safe, be happy and healthy 😊😊😊

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