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Merilyn told me how she has a boyfriend and he wanted to talk to her in person. Keep in mind it was 12PM and we were in our rooms at the trip. "Sure? I mean why not?" I smiled. I knocked on Vox and Merilyns boyfriend's door. Vox opened the door and he looked tired and sweaty. His shirt was unbuttoned so we could see his body. "Oh..my god what the hell were you doing in there?" I suspiciously asked. "Jax turned the air conditioning and the fan off. He 'claimed' that he was cold."
Jax pushed Vox out the way and talked to Merilyn in our room. I entered Vox's room and it was so fucking hot in there. I turned on the fan and sat down. Vox was wearing black pajamas so I wonder how he survives in there. "Hey can I borrow your bathroom?" I asked. "Yeah, go ahead." He breathed heavily. I stood up and went to the bathroom, it was honestly colder than the room. I came out and saw him laying down shirtless and his arm was over his eyes. "You like what you see?" He teased. "It looks like you dumped a whole bucket of water on you." I joked. "Yeah that's how sweaty I am." He smirked with his arm still over his eyes. "Are you tired?" I sat down on the bed next to him. "Yes. I'm so fucking tired but it's so hot in here." He groaned tiredly. "Are you sure..? The fan is at max and it's kind of cold.." I looked at him worriedly. "Really? It feels like nothing is on but a heater." He said, I took his arm off, lifter his bangs and placed my hand on his forehead. "You seem...fine? Why do you still feel like it's hot?" I walked over to the remote that controls the fan.

You opened the door and went into your room to see them making out. "Are you guys fucking serious? You left me in that hot ass room??" You yelled at them. "Oh...shit I'm sorry." Merilyn apologized. "Whatever. Jax can you go back to your room?" You asked. "Fine,but can I bring Merilyn?" He asked rudely."fine,whatever. I'm taking Vox away from that hot ass room." You ran back into jaxs room to grab him.
"Get up, we're going to my room." You grabbed Vox's arm. "Alright" He happily got up. You both entered your room and you locked the door. You were mad at Merilyn so you didn't want her to come in. "You can sleep on my bed, the air conditioning is aiming at my bed." You grabbed your pillow you always hug. "Are you sure? I feel bad." He asked. "Yeah, I feel cold anyway." You smiled and got on Merilyns bed. "Thanks." He smiled back.

After a few hours you were trying to fall asleep with your body facing the wall when you felt someone climb onto your bed behind you. "I can't sleep." He whispered. "Me neither." You whispered back. After a few minutes of him not talking you turned around and saw him sleeping. Are you fucking kidding me?' You thought to yourself. You stayed there afraid to move incase you woke him up. You felt his hands on your waist pulling you close to him. It was a weak pull even though it still managed to get your back against his body. He was basically spooning you at this point. He was still asleep peacefully, eventually you fell asleep.
It was 8:34 AM You wake up to hear arguing outside. You carefully took Vox's arms off of you and you got up and opened the door.
"What the fuck is going on..?" You creaked open the door. "They were having sex last night and didn't think to wear any clothes after they were done." Your boss yelled. "Okay..yeah that mightve happened but do y'all gotta do it like directly in front of a room where people are sleeping?" You complained. "Yeah,yeah! Let's go outside. And wear fucking clothes." You boss angrily stormed off. You looked at Merilyn and Jax, Merilyn looked shameful of what she did but Jax, he didn't look like he cared or regretted.
You close the door and turned around to see Vox gone. "..Vox?" You called. "Yeah?"
He yelled back in the bathroom. "Oh, there you are." You walked over to the bathroom.

He was wearing a sleeveless turtleneck and his hair was in a bun. He was brushing his teeth, "how did you get ready so fast?" You leaned on the door frame. "I don't know, I just get ready fast. Why? Do you want me to help you get ready?"  He slowly turned his head around smirking. "No, just..hurry up" you plopped onto the bed and waited for him to finish. He came out and saw you sleeping, you must've fell asleep waiting.
"Wake up,I'm done." He shook you. After a few tries, he stood up and had to play his last card. He moaned in your ear which caused you to wake up confused. "What the fuck are you doing?"
You hit his leg with the pillow. "I'm done bitch, get up" he chuckled. You groaned and went into the bathroom to get ready.
After you were done you and Vox left to eat. You both were talking while exitinv the hotel when you both stopped to see your boss, Jax and Merilyn till fighting. Mostly just Jax and Your boss, Merilyn was just crying.
Vox put his arm around you and walked you back into the hotel. "Wh-where are we going?" You confusedly looked back at them. "We're eating in the hotel..." He awkwardly smiled. "We're ordering customer service?" You looked at him confused. "No..no no. There's a restaurant IN the hotel." He explained. "Oh...oh!!" Your eyes sparkled.

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