A question

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A\N: Another Jessica/Jeff ficlet.

Title: A question.

Summary: Jeff asks Jessica a question at home.

Characters: Jessica, Jeff.

Pairings: Jessica/Jeff

POVs: Third person.

Chapter count: 1.

Jessica yawns as she leans heavily against Jeff, her brown eyes drooping. Jeff's warm chuckle enters her ear. "Jess, I know you're tired and you wanna sleep but I wanna ask you something first." Jeff says in her ear. Jessica blinks away the fatigue and looks at her boyfriend of five and a half years.

"I'll make this quick because any minute now you're gonna fall asleep on me and I won't be able to wake you up until tomorrow morning. What I wanna say is that I love you and I wanna marry you, hell I wanted to marry you from the second I met you." Jeff says. Jessica sits up, the fatigue suddenly gone. Her head snaps up at Jeff in shock, her brown eyes wide as the words sink in. 

"Jeff, are you saying what I think you're saying?" Jessica asks. Jeff's head nods slowly, a smile spreading across his face as he pulls out a black ring box from a drawer in the coffee table and hands the box to a shocked Jessica who slowly opens it, gasping when she sees the oval diamond encrusted ring nestled in black box. "Oh, Jeff." Jessica breathes as she admires the ring. She looks at Jeff, her heart catching in her throat. "I will marry you, Jeff." Jessica whispers, handing the box to Jeff and watching as he deftly takes the ring and places it on her ring finger, kissing the diamond and her lips.

"I love you." Jeff says against her lips, Jessica smiles into the smile.

"I love you too." Jessica says, adrenaline from Jeff's question wearing off. Jeff chuckles as Jessica leans her head against his shoulder, her eyes slowly closing. Jeff stands up, scooping Jessica in his arms.

"Come on, let's get you to bed, Jess." Jeff says softly, kissing her hair, Jessica smiles as she falls asleep in the arms of her new fiance. 

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