Part 3: Encounter

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I ventured further into the dark. It was pitch black for most of the walk. That was until I felt a glitched feeling and everything lit up. It was a corridor decorated like it was someone's birthday. I back up a bit an I am immediately stopped. There was a wall behind me. That can't be...I just came from that yellow place. I had no choice but to venture further. I look around at the decorations. It looked innocent enough. I make it to the end of the corridor and look at both directions of the intersection. One goes left and another goes right. There we're captions at the intersection pointing towards both hallways. The left said "This way =)" the right said "Exit =)" I ponder this decision. I didn't trust this place. I decided to go left. Didn't want to risk an early demise. Exit could very well mean death. I walk and down the corridor and that's when I heard it. Laughter. I look behind me. I saw nothing. I turn. Back around and start moving faster, almost running. Then something sounded like it was following me. I turn around once again and see a yellow figure at the end of the hallway. It looked inhuman and so terrifying. It's face looked like that of a paper bag. With a smiley face that looked to be drawn with blood. It was holding a balloon and was coming at me at an alarming rate. I quickly start running. Trying to get away. I run past the party supplies and multiple doors. All with confetti and chairs laid out. After a while I stop to catch my breath. I didn't know where I was now. I took so many sharp turns. I look around in the room I'm in, it was empty... except for a single cake in the middle of the room. I walk up to it and examine it. It looked weird. The red frosting wat very dark and thick. I put a small piece in my mouth. It tasted awful. It tasted nothing like cake. I tasted meat. Then I heard it again. The laughter. I turn around and it's the monster that was following me. I turn to run but it was a dead end. I turn back and back away from the creature. It inches towards me with it's frightening glare. "G-GET AWAY FROM ME!" I shouted at it. I gasped and stare at it once more. I didn't get a chance to examine it's body but now that it was closer it was much more clear. It had very neat curves. Like...thicc ones. And it's *Ahem* 'assets' were quite big as well. I just stare at it. Waiting for it to claim me as their prey.  It was all over. I was done for. That was until it touched me face. My cheek to be exact. It rubbed my cheek as it started into my soul. I didn't want it to hurt me so I let it do as it pleased with me. It laughs again and takes her hand off of me. It gets closer to me, and presses against me. Soon after it's arms wrapped around me in a hugging motion. It held me tightly as it started to him a tune. A tune that sounded familiar. Though I couldn't put a finger on it. It didn't let go of me for some time. But it wasn't attacking me so I felt some sort of security. I make a neutral expression and let it hug me. After what felt like hours it stopped humming and stared at me for a while. It started to move out of the room. It stood at the entrance Amanda stared again. It wanted something. I soon realized it wanted me to follow it. I take a sigh and reluctantly move to the entrance of the room. It starts to move as I did so, moving in front of me as I followed it. I didn't know where it was taking me, but I didn't have much of a choice anymore. Let's see what happens now.

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