What they didn't know was that I am one of the tallest girls in our class. I just look small in their eyes because they are old and they are naturally tall.

And based on my observation, they inherited their height from Mr Forger but Mrs Forger is also a tall woman.

We tried to invite the Forgers to my tenth birthday in December last year but they couldn't come, Rush is in Canada and is busy taking care of their new branch there.

Noah, on the other hand, is in the Philippines but can't come because he is also busy with his Master's and at the same time working as one of the board members of the main branch of their company.

The Forger couple were also on a business trip in the US and will be back after the new year in the Philippines, however, they sent me a gift.

I got a beautiful dress from the Forger couple, it's a Chanel dress. It came from the US and was shipped by their personal shopper just to make sure I'll receive it on or before my birthday.

And to be honest I love the dress they sent, not because it came from an expensive brand. I like the design because I look like a young lady and that's also what I mostly get when our guests approach me, to greet me with a happy birthday. Most of my classmates were also there and they said the same thing.

My parents' other business partners even thought I was thirteen years old so they were shocked to find out that I am only ten years old. Wearing that Chanel dress on my birthday is the best decision I made.

And oh, about Travis is also busy at school, he is a college student, however, he will soon finish school and aside from that, I heard from Dad, when he and Mom were talking about the Forgers that even Travis was still in school when there is no class or during weekends he is reviewing the other business proposals that were passed to their company.

"When are we going to their mansion Dad?" I asked excitedly so I got Mom and Dad's attention.

"I'm still thinking about it, you know I'm also busy with our growing business right now." It all started when the business partners of the Forger saw Dad at their party, some of their business partners already contacted Dad to become part of their board members while others are contacting Dad to build their house, or since he is an Engineer they ask Dad to supervise building projects for their started or growing business.

However, what I don't understand is that even though my family seems to be close to the Forger family, they still haven't hired Dad as one of their Engineers, in one of the Forgers' big projects or invited him to be part of their board members.

"But Dad, the Forgers might think that we're no longer interested in being their business partner if we skip their party this Summer." And then I made puppy eyes as I looked at Mom and Dad.
Dad looked at me intently until after a few minutes, he sighed and finally nodded.
My eyes widened in excitement as I smiled.
"I love you so, so much Dad! I love Mom and you a lot!"
And then there, before the end of that night, I was so happy because Mom and Dad and I had planned that I'll go first to the Forgers' mansion this weekend. I'm super excited that when we get home, I go straight to my room to fix the things I'm going to bring this weekend.

The days passed quickly when I woke up the next day, it was the day I was leaving to go to the Forgers and even though it had been a long trip for me, I didn't even feel tired during the whole trip. It was already dark when I arrived at the Forgers' mansion, because I was in traffic in Manila and that traffic took a lot of time. That part is annoying but that's Manila.

When we parked our car, I immediately heard loud laughter out of nowhere, like last year, helpers lined up at the entrance of the mansion for my arrival, however there were only a few of the helpers. It wasn't like before that all the helpers were there to greet me, and Mom and Dad.

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