Kabanata 3

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Kabanata 3 

Kourtney's POV

Rush took my hand so we could walk together to where we were supposed to eat breakfast. As we got closer and closer I could hear the noise of women from somewhere. Someone was talking loudly and another one was laughing. They sound so happy. I wonder what is happening in that part of the house?
Until we entered my dining area of ​​the Forgers, there I saw that they had three women with them and Travis was already there with the women.

I immediately felt disappointed seeing Travis here with this girl who obviously likes him! I just don't understand why I have to feel disappointed seeing this.
He was sitting there on the left side of the table and had a blonde -haired woman next to him. One of his hands was spread on the back of the chair of the woman next to him.
I also watched how the woman tried to pour toasted bread on his lips but he didn't want to open his mouth. Good thing! I yell inside my head. I don't know but I suddenly lost the hunger I felt before and lost my appetite for breakfast.

If I wouldn't just look and sound rude I'd like to say I lost my appetite and I want to go back in my room to Rush and will just wait for Mom and Dad to eat breakfast.
"You can sit here, next to me, Kourt." Noah told me, so I diverted my attention from watching Travis and the woman with him, which I'm sure is his girlfriend. The girl was sweet to him so I'm sure they're in a relationship.

"Oh. Hello, little girl. What's your name?" The short haired woman who was also sitting on the same row where I am asked me.
Noah just mentioned my name. did she not hear it? Or is she not paying attention to the reason why she's asking the same question? Urgh! I seriously want to roll my eyes on her now! So, she would know she's annoying! But I can't! Travis will see it and I'm sure he won't like it and might think that because I am the only child I am spoiled by my parents!

So I immediately decided to play nice for now. I smiled sweetly at the woman and then I answered her question politely.
"Is she one of your cousins?" The woman next to Travis asked next. I don't understand but even though I don't know her, just by hearing her voice I'm annoyed with her. I don't understand how is that possible!

This is really what I don't understand. I don't want Travis to be disappointed in me. Even if we barely know each other, I prefer that he likes me. I would be upset with myself if I did something he didn't like.
As I sit there with them having our breakfast, I can't stop thinking about Travis and Chiffon, that's his girlfriend's name. I also met the other two girls, which I am not sure if they are in a relationship with Noah and Rush.
They all gave me a friendly smile when I was introduced with the girls, however I'm no longer in the mood, so I just nodded to them all and decided to focus on eating my breakfast.
In my peripheral version, I saw how Travis and Chiffon flirted, which made my mood even lower.
Chiffon brings her face closer to Travis and then she tries to kiss him on the lips but Travis will look the other way so she can only kiss his cheeks. Chiffon was almost on Travis' lap sitting and neither of any of these adults I am with, didn't even care what these two were doing. How annoying!

Until I didn't even notice that they had all finished eating and I was the only one who didn't.
"Don't you like the food, Kourtney?" Gradually, I lifted my head when I heard Travis' voice. Like yesterday, there was no trace of any emotion in his voice and when I looked him in the eyes, the expression in his eyes was also blank.
I'm not sure if he's asking me that because he cares or he's just curious why I took so long to eat.
But it was only then that I awoke to deep thinking about him and Chiffon.
When I also looked at my plate, I noticed that I had only reduced almost one -fourth of my food.
"Would you like me to request the Chef to cook other food for you? What would you like to eat?" Travis asked me another question. If I tell me what food I want he might think I'm a picky eater so I'm not going to do that! As a response to his few questions I shook my head.

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