Chapter 2

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"I don't know," Max mutters, "I shouldn't care- I don't care. It's none of my business."

"It sounds to me like you do care," I respond. "I was a little bit like you at the beginning of high school, you know."

"Yeah, right," Max scoffs.

"Seriously. I acted like I hated everyone and everything, kept my head down..."

"I'm not acting. Life is shit, and it's even shittier when people leave, but they all do."

"Well, sometimes you're the one who has to leave. It doesn't suck any less, but it's still worth it in the end. If they really love you, they'll let you back in their life." I look over to see her contemplating what I'd said. She then shakes her head, as if trying to shake off the thoughts of someone. 

"Well," she says after a minute, "You should tell your sister that. To leave whoever's bothering her."

"Who would that be?"

"How would I know?" she says as if it was the stupidest question in the world. "I just... have a bad feeling, you know? I have no idea why I would actually give a shit about Chrissy Cunningham of all people. No offense."

"I get it. The whole golden girl thing is... intimidating. Kind of weird."

"That's what I thought, but it's less intimidating when you know you both talk about your stupid feelings with the same stupid counselor."

"Wait... Chrissy is seeing a counselor?"

"The school one, yeah. Can't say she's been of much help to me, and it doesn't seem like she's done much for Chrissy, either. I've seen her come out of the office a lot since last month, and... I don't know, I just didn't put it together. I have this feeling that... there's more."

I turn to see Max staring straight ahead, conflicted. "Look, kid," I start, sympathetic, "I can tell you're used to 'staying out of it'. But if your gut is telling you to speak up? You need to do it. Chrissy never has to know we talked if that's what you want. I promise."

"I lost a sibling," she sighs, "I wish more than anything that I could go back and know what was going on in his life. Helped him. That's what my gut is telling me."

"Billy, right?"

"Yeah..." She closes her eyes as if she were picturing him. When she opens them, it seems like she gained some type of affirmation. "I've heard her in the bathroom, once or twice. Figured she ate the school lunch or something, I don't know. But today... I heard her shouting at someone. Begging them to stop."

"Did you see anyone else?" I ask, taking a sharp breath.

"That's the thing... I don't think anyone was there," she replies as I pull into the trailer park. "Just stop the car here, I-I've gotta go," she quickly mutters, shaking her head.

"Max, you don't have to-" I start, seeing she clearly regrets saying anything.

"I'm serious," she interjects firmly. After slightly hesitating, I stop the car and she all but jumps out, immediately walking away. I sit there for a while, thinking. Have I really been so blind? What am I going to do? 

I don't even know how much time has passed when another car approaches behind me. The sun is setting. Without even really looking, I start to drive forward to get out of their way before noticing the person crossing in front of me. I barely even register myself slamming down on the breaks, coming an inch away from hitting them. I close my eyes and take a breath as Don't Dream It's Over plays on my car radio. What the fuck is wrong with me? When I open my eyes again, I feel even worse. There's no way, I think as my breath hitches, Am I the one hallucinating now? He stares back at me with a blank expression and I think back to all the years I'd spent with him, trying to remember if I'd ever seen him look like that. The boy I'd once known so well wore his heart on his sleeve, and all I want right now is to know exactly what's going on inside of his head- but that's impossible. After a minute, he breaks out of his trance and walks. I start to think that maybe he didn't recognize me and he's just going back home- until he stops at the passenger side and knocks on the window. I sigh before rolling the window down.

"You know, I figured you would've done that already," he says, leaning over the car door with his rings tapping the inside.

"I-what? Done what?" I stutter.

"Ran me over," he smirks. As I struggle to come up with a response, the car behind me honks its horn, making me jump which causes him to laugh.

"Just get in the damn car, Eddie," I demand before I get a chance to think better of it. All I knew was that I couldn't let Eddie Munson go like that again without trying.

"And yet you say I'm the one who tells everyone what to do," he teases.

"Fine, forget it," I say, slowly releasing the brake pedal with Eddie still leaning against the door.

"Wait!" he yells as the car slips from under him, grabbing the handle and opening the door as my car rolls. "I'm sorry, alright?" he says as I stop the car again.

"So am I," I mutter apologetically as he gets inside. As I finally start driving again, he says, "Turn this slow shit off," and reaches over, switching to a station playing Fight Fire With Fire, then proceeding to play along on an air guitar.

"Glad to see you haven't changed," I laugh.

"Oh, but haven't I?" he says, making a show out of flaunting his hair which has grown dramatically since we last spoke.

"Nope, not at all," I joke. Eddie's face grows serious as he looks me up and down.

"But you have."

I looked much healthier than I had two years ago, I knew that. I'd been able to eat much better away from my Mother's crazy restrictions, I grew out my hair, and started wearing clothes I was comfortable in. But that was nothing as opposed to Eddie's new look. Besides the hair, he'd gotten several tattoos, added to the rings he wore, and taken to a tight Hellfire Club shirt under the jean jacket he's always worn. 

"I see you finally got your school DND club up and running," I say after a minute, gesturing to the shirt. 

"Yeah... I, still haven't, uh," he starts, sheepish.

"Graduated, I know. I ask Chrissy about you sometimes. You know she doesn't remember you at all? You're just a guy in her school to her. It's crazy."

"I mean, it's not like we ever hung out at your place. And you left the band years before you left m- uh, Hawkins."

"So I take it Corroded Coffin rocks on?"

"Hell yeah!"

We laugh for a minute before growing quiet again.

"You know, I think this'll be your year. You couldn't graduate with me, but you could still graduate with my sister," I break-in.

"Don't get all inspirational on me. I'll always be a month older than you, Ly," he laughs. "You really think so, though? That I could do it?"

"Of course," I nod solemnly.

"I wanna show you something," he states. "What are you doing right now?"

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