Our eyes met immediately, here is the weird reaction of my heart again. It's beating so damn fast inside my rib cage! And this only happens whenever Travis is near me or I have some interaction with him. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing Kourtney Mary Saavedra?!" He asked me angrily. I immediately felt annoyed.

"Urgh! You know how much I hate it when you call me Mary!" I frowned and rolled my eyes as I told him. We've been together since my diaper days! He's aware of the things I like and don't like! 

After all these years, you still think like a kid. I hope you are aware that when I take this seriously, I can file a case against you and you will be imprisoned for what you are doing right now." He said in a threatening voice. Huh! Did he think he could scare me?! I am desperate now but in the back of my mind, to be honest, I am feeling scared. Who in their right mind will not be afraid to be imprisoned?

I avoided looking at his eyes so that he wouldn't notice the fear in my eyes and then I changed the subject we are talking about.

"We won't be here for long, I'll release you as soon as possible. I promise. I just want to talk to you seriously and you agree to my proposal."

"So you're really this desperate huh, to get what you want? To the point you hired them to kidnap me?! What the hell Kourtney?!"

"I have no other choice. I tried to speak with you nicely, multiple times! I even lost count of how many times I did it, but you're very good at playing this hide and seek game! And I have no time for that! I visit your company's front desk, every day but they want me to set up an appointment just to talk to you! With your schedule so busy, when will you give me a chance to talk to you? When I already lost everything my parents worked so hard to establish ?! That's not fair!"

In the extreme frustration, I am feeling right now, I can feel on the edge of my eyes my tears are going to fall at any moment by now. A little more drama I'm sure I'll cry in front of him but no, I can't! I can't show him any weakness, I'm going to lose if I cry in front of him! And he'll consider this thing I am doing right now as part of my childish act! So, before that happened, I got up from squatting in front of him and went near my working table and...

"Now you have time to listen to my proposal," I told him seriously. And then I took the paper I put on the working table a while ago.

I raised it in front of him and even though he was right, kidnapping him is a very desperate move. I got a more desperate proposal for him in the line.

"You just have to sign this marriage contract so we can be married. Then I can get my inheritance and my problem will be sold, then we'll release you."

"What's in it for me? I can't get anything in return so why should I allow what you want to happen?" He teasingly told me. Urgh! He's getting on my nerves! Damn you Travis Forger!

"You are my hostage! Your freedom depends on me and you have no choice but to consent to what I want!" I said in my most demanding tone. However, I immediately regretted being demanding, I acted again like a kid throwing my tantrums at him and when I looked at him again, I saw in his eyes how he was disappointed in my actions. 

"I already have a Fiance, Kourtney and we're getting married. I can't marry you." He told me emphatically. I'm aware of that! I am updated on everything he does! But the reason why I am updated is that I need him!

I  swallowed hard, even though I did not eat anything.  I feel weak in what I am doing right now but as I said before, I had no choice!

"I love her and if I ever get married, it's the woman I love and it's Kim." I bit my lower lip.

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