The Realm of the Living (Finale, Part 1)

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(Y/n's POV)

I closed my eyes, letting myself take in the feeling of this place one last time before I returned to the Living world. Only a few feet away, there stood a clearing, filled to the brim with all sorts of undead creatures and other inhabitants of this land, here to watch the first large-scale spell performed by a witch in centuries.

Katsuki stood next to me protectively, eyeing the vampires in the crowd, especially one in particular. I was under the protection of the entire Council, plus my own protection spells I had placed as a precaution, but mostly as reassurance for Katsuki, who didn't trust anyone but himself with my safety.

I squeezed his hand once, twice, and then a third time before walking into the clearing. All Might had gifted me a dress for the occasion, a long, black dress that fit the description of the attire used in moon ceremonies. I had found the proper ritual in the Grimoire, along with the boundary exemption spell that I needed to perform after opening the figurative door.

 I had found the proper ritual in the Grimoire, along with the boundary exemption spell that I needed to perform after opening the figurative door

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(The dress)

A hush fell over the clearing as I made my way to the center. I summoned the Grimoire and let it float in front of me, then I pulled candles from my basket and set them in their proper positions. I waved some cleansing incense over the area and watched some of the creatures shift in discomfort.

I stood in the center of the circle I had created and knelt, facing North. "Ignesco," I whispered. The candles lit, and I watched the moon rise higher and higher into the sky. The second the moon was at its peak height, magic burst into color, forming an intricate pattern within the circle I had created. The border began to shimmer, like it was losing substance and turning to liquid.

"Wall of Protection, strong and tall, open the door and hear my call. Grant passage to the witch, born for worlds both, forever to serve you shall be my oath."

The glow of magic got stronger and stronger until all but me couldn't see a thing. In the center of the barrier, right in front of me, an old looking door appeared, the key floating a few inches from the handle.

 In the center of the barrier, right in front of me, an old looking door appeared, the key floating a few inches from the handle

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The magic faded and seeped into my skin, allowing the crowd to see the door. I took a large breath and glanced one final time at Katsuki, my heart pounding so loudly in my chest that I couldn't hear the whispers of the shocked undead.

I grabbed the key and unlocked the door, holding my breath. The door opened on its own, and the familiar forest I had known my whole life came into view. I could hear the chirps and songs of the birds I had grown up watching and naming, and if I looked hard through the undergrowth, I could see my village.

I placed my hand on my heart, overwhelmed with emotions I couldn't understand. And then I stepped through.

Flashes of memories flew through my mind. When I was a child and felt a chill as I walked deeper into the woods, then finding myself in this place for the first time. Back then, All Might had used his own magic to send me home. Then my second time through the barrier, the same chill of death giving me goosebumps as I followed the black cat.

"Welcome home," a voice said. I opened my eyes to find that very same cat at my feet. "Your family has been waiting." It spoke again, it's mouth never moving. The sound was coming directly into my head. I'd briefly wondered if the cat was my familiar, and this proved it.

I turned around, glancing through the door. Katsuki was there, looking into my eyes. I swallowed my fear and smiled at him, a final goodbye before the door slammed shut and disappeared, making the autumn leaves fall in its wake.

I turned towards my village, and took my first step in this realm knowing who I really was and what I really wanted.

End of Chapter.

(Next chapter is the final chapter. This one was a little short, but the next one should be a little longer and will tie off the necessary loose ends before I can begin book two. Hope you enjoyed!)

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