Nicks POV

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This is my last summer before I head off to university. I'm excited, but scared. That's normal, right? University is a big step for anyone, being away from home, but I am confident I'm going to be okay.
The downside is that I'm not going to see Charlie as often. These past two years have been amazing. We have hung out almost everyday. Cuddling in bed, long walks along OUR beach, me making him watch marvel films, him teaching me the drums, long drives late at night listening to his playlist he made for me, taking Nellie and Henry(my dogs) for walks, LOTS of kissing, sex.
All of that, will soon fade but, it'll be okay. We will be okay.

We got into a huge argument at the beginning of summer. Charlie hated the thought of me moving away to uni and at a party, he got really drunk and suggested we break up because he thought it wasn't going to work. I won't deny, I said some pretty harmful things myself and we didn't talk to each other for two weeks. It felt way longer if you ask me. We made up though. He sent me a note asking to meet and we sorted out everything.

Since then, I've realised that I can't live without Charlie. You'd think spending so much time together would make us want our own personal space eventually, but the more I'm with him, the more I hate the thought of us being apart. He's just...everything to me.

We have managed to find a way to make things work which, if you ask me, has made our relationship even stronger. Knowing that no matter the distance, we will always be Nick and Charlie.
Texting each other is a necessity. FaceTime calls every night is a must and Charlie says he is going to visit every few weeks when he gets paid from work.
He works in a café in town. It's only a part-time job but he makes enough money for himself which makes me happy. I've told him I'll come down to see him also so it seems we are both keen to make the effort to see each other.

The only thing that I am going to miss about us though, is falling asleep and waking up together. There is just something about him cuddled in my arms that helps me fall asleep peacefully at night. Waking up in the morning is even more amazing. His curly hair all muffled. He always looks peaceful in the mornings. I'm going to miss waking up without him but I know that this is something we can get through. Together.

Anyways, me and Charlie have planned an evening together since I have the house to myself tonight. Just the usual. Cuddle on the sofa watching tv, head off to my room, lay their on the bed and make out. Potentially more but neither of us will complain.
I'm just waiting for him to text me saying he's on his way. He's currently babysitting his little brother Ollie whilst his parents do their weekly shop. Ollie isn't well at the moment. It's sad to think about because he's so full of joy. Recently he's been dull and barely leaves his bed. I love Ollie. I already consider him as a brother. I've always wanted a little brother. I have an older brother, David. He's an asshole. I barely speak to him now. Ollie however is exactly how I'd want my little brother to be. Someone you can have a laugh with constantly. Someone who just makes you smile when you're sad. He's a great kid. He's definitely Charlie's little brother because they look exactly the same. Curly black hair, blue eyes and dimples.

I lay on my bed. Looking at the photo album Charlie got me for my 17th birthday. The best gift I could ask for. We've had so many great times together. Tonight is going to be just the same.

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