Myles facts(lots of the too;))

883 18 4

In his point of view
All About YBM!


Zodiac Sign: Libra

Three words that describe me are: You Tell Me ;)

My Lucky #: 7

My Favorite color: Right now its orange

Siblings: Older brother and a younger brother

Celebrity look-alike: Josh Hutcherson


In school, my favorite subject: I had fun with Math

After school, I always used to: I skated a lot during high school

The sport I love: Dirt biking bro

On the weekends, I love to: Make music, kick it with friends

My favorite kind of animal: Horse

My best friend: JakeeyP

My favorite food: My Mom's Chicken Enchiladas

People tell me I'm really good at cooking: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches

My favorite vacation spot: My Grandpa's in Oklahoma, he has two fishing ponds and good food


The TV show I can't miss: Keeping up with the Kardashians ;)

The one movie I could watch 100x: Disturbia

The top band or artist on my playlist: Ellie Goulding <3 <3

My favorite book: I'm not a big reader haha

The video game I'm always playing: I don't really have time to play video games

The male celeb I look up to: The Cataracs and The homie JB


Swag icon: Lil B

Favorite store: DLX SF

Favorite shoes: Nike SBs

The one thing I can't leave the house without: My Blackberry

The one thing in my closet I can't live without: Boxer Briefs haha


Have you ever had a GF? Do you now?: Yes I have, and no I don't

The number of crushes I have right now:

My idea of THE perfect Wifey:
Mature, independent, fun, and smiles a lot

My celebrity crush: Ariana Grande


Ultimate dream job: To run my own record company

Dream city to live in:

I've heard good things about San Diego

Dream vacation: Hawaii, with some hula girls and ukuleles

If I had a million dollars, I would: Spend it on my parents

Quote/Words I live by: "If God is for us, who can be against us."


Early bird or Night Owl? Night Owl

Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate

Righty or Lefty? Righty

Movie in a theater or Flick on DVD? Drive-In ;)

Slob or Neat Freak? A little bit of both haha



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