7. The Bathtub

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1983 - 10:48 am
You sat near the entry way of the building. In the distance you see Ms. Byers walking in.
"Hey, Ms. Byers." You smile.
She looked confused as she ignored you and walked into the main room.
"Hey, Jonathan?" Ms. Byers walked in, you followed behind, "Jeez, what... what happened?"

"Ma'am," a police said.
"I'm fine," Jonathan muttered
"Why is he wearing handcuffs?" you heard Ms. Byers question.
"Well, your boy assaulted a police officer," the cop said, lThat's why."
"Take them off," Ms. Byers demanded.
"I am afraid I cannot do that," the police said as you walked in.

"Take them off!" she shouted.
"You heard her. Take 'em off," Hopper said.
"Chief, I get everyone's emotional here, but there's something you need to see," another cop said.
You sat next to Nancy as the adults went outside.
"Crap, they looked through your car," you said to Jonathan.
The police walked in with the box, full of weapons and supplies we bought. You groan as they started talking.
"What is this?" Ms. Byers asked as she rummaged through the box.

"Why don't you ask your son?" Hopper said, "We found it in his car."
"What?" Ms. Byers gasped.
"Why are you going through my car?" Jonathan asked.

"Is that really the question you should be asking right now?" Hopper leaned in, "I wanna see you in my office."
"You won't believe me," Jonathan said.
"Why don't you give me a try," Hopper said softly.
You watch as Ms. Byers passed the paper to Hopper, he scanned it quickly. You sat next to Nancy as Jonathan shook his leg repeatedly.

"You say blood draws this thing?" Hopper asked.
"We don't know," Jonathan answered.
"It's just a theory," Nancy added.

You waited inside Hopper's car as he and Nancy spied on the men outside our house. They kept taking things out, boxes, filled with our thinks.
"Our Mom, and our Dad are there," Nancy pointed.
"They're gonna be okay," Hopper assured Nancy. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." Hopper grabbed Nancy's arm.
"Let go," Nancy said as she spun her head around," Let go!"
"Hey! Listen to me. Listen to me." Hopper pulled Nancy, "The last thing in the world we need is them knowing you're mixed up in all this.

You look at Jonathan, sitting next to you, as he stared into the distance. You rummage through Hopper's things. Bingo. You grabbed the cigarette pack and lighter. It helps you calm your nerves at stressful times, for example, this time.
"Mike is over there," Nancy cried out.
"They haven't found him," Hopper yelled, "Not yet, at least." He pointed at the helicopter.
"For Mike?" Nancy's jaw dropped.

"Come on, get in the car," Hopper said.
"Hey, take that out." Hopper looked at you as you blew smoke out of your mouth.
"What?" you ask.
"Take it out," he said again.
You groan before throwing it out the window.

"Look, we need to find them before they do," Hopper looked at us in the backseat, "You have any idea where he might have gone?"
"No, I don't," Nancy whined.
"I need you to think," Hopper said.
"I... I might," you cough, "I don't know where he is, but I think I know how to ask him."
You look at Jonathan, he knew exactly what you were thinking about.

Hopper parked Jonathan's car in front of his house. You quickly exit the car, making space for Nancy to get out. You all entered the house, following Jonathan into Will's room.
"I got it," Ms. Byers yelled.
She came out from under the bed. You smile once she showed the walkie-talkie.
You grab it, knowing Mike trusts you the most rather than Nancy
Everyone sat down in the kitchen.
"Mike, are you there? Mike? Over," you're talk through the walkie-talkie, "Mike, it's me, Y/n. Mike, are you there? Over."

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