My Sister's Rights

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Lots of triggering topics ahead. Such as mentions of suicide, sexism, abortions, abuse, unsafe abortion

Dream arrived at his parent's house excitedly. It had been awhile since he visited his family. They were on good terms, but Dream tended to overwork himself.

He got out of his car and eagerly let himself into the house. "Mom! Dad! I'm home!" He exclaimed. His parents dropped what they were doing to greet him.

"You're back!" His dad smiled while watching his wife hug their son.

"Finally!" Dream's mom huffed and hugged him way too tightly. "We were starting to wonder if you were actually going to come."

"Obviously! You think I'd miss Drista's graduation? I'm surprised she made it this far." Dream teased her since she wasn't around to threaten him. "Where is she anyway? I haven't seen her in person in like, 6 months."

"In her room sulking...I'm pretty sure she's emotional about graduation." Their dad theorised.

"She's having a hard time deciding what collage she wants to go to as well..." Their mom added. "You should go up and have a talk with her."

"Yeah...I'll talk to her." Dream thought that was normal. Most people got anxious about major life choices. He headed upstairs to her room and knocked. He listened to her pacing around the room, before opening the door. It definitely seemed suspicious.

"Hey loser, you didn't come greet me." He said playfully.

Drista stepped out of her room and gave Dream a quick hug so he wouldn't get too suspicious. "Hey..."

Dream could see right through her. "What's bothering you?"

"Nothing!" Drista got defensive.

"Mhm..." Dream walked into her room and sat on the bed. "Come on, let's talk."

Drista reluctantly joined him on the bed. "There's nothing I want to talk about."

"Do you need to talk about anything though? You're graduating in a couple days. It's normal to be scared." Dream sympathized with her.

"I'm not scared over it..." Drista had a bigger issue she was focused on. "I have a date and stuff, it'll be fine."

"Who's your date?" Dream grinned like an idiot.

"Some guy, don't even think about cracking jokes." Drista warned Dream.

"Some guy, hm? Do you actually like him or were you just desperate for a date?" Dream joked despite the warning he got.

"He's...alright." Drista shrugged.

"Well if he fucks with you, tell him you have a brother that isn't afraid of the law." Dream was being honest. He probably would go to jail for his sister.

"Okay..." For a second Drista wanted to take him up on the offer, but she didn't want to worry Dream. "How long are you staying?"

"Two weeks, Sapnap and George are watching the house. Let's hope it's still there when I go back." Dream chuckled and stretched, a bit stiff from the car ride. "I'm going to go take a piss. Then you should show me your dress."

"Yeah alright." Drista shrugged, agreeing to let Dream see her dress before the graduation ceremony.

Dream walked into her bathroom and did his business. While washing his hands he noticed something in the trash can that didn't belong. He was going to ignore it at first, but couldn't. Incase it was actually what he thought it was.

Dream kneeled by the trashcan and disgusting uncovered the object. He pulled it out and audibly gasped. He was too horrified to be grossed out by what he just did.

My Sister's Rights (DSMP one shot)Where stories live. Discover now