Oh yessss this feels so nice.

Y/n was standing under the shower head with her face up. Acting as if she was looking up at the first rainstorm a desert has seen in years. Making sure to grab the exfoliating scrub Hailee had on one of the shelves and scrubbed her face until it felt like every single pore was clean. Then moved onto lathering her hair with the shampoo. When she went to rinse her hair she was suddenly being pulled back by the waist.

oh, I just got chills down my back, in like a good way.

A good way?

No, look I am getting cleaned up.


Why are you looking at me like that? 

I have soap in my hair, this isn't the time.

*smirks even bigger*

No, we have roughly 20 minutes and that's being generous.

You act like that's not enough time.

I could not face your family if they showed up any earlier.

Hailee knew her family always managed to show up before you expect them. So maybe y/n was right. Now might not be the time. I mean there where still day she had at home with y/n. They could christen all the rooms they wanted as soon as her stuff was dropped off. So for now, helping y/n in the shower would have to suffice.

 Well I never said we had to do that.

It was heavily implied by that smirk.

Okay maybe it was but you have a good point.

I would rather jump off a cliff into a pool of legos than face them if they hear anything.

I've told you you have to learn to be quieter.

Do you want me to help wash your back or not?

Alright. I'll drop it.

Thats what I thought now come here.

oh, this is nice.

See I got you all squeaky clean and we got to spend some time together before the Uhaul got here.

*kisses Hailee* Well you got me clean it only seems fair I return the favor.

Oh so now you're into the idea.

Look it was relaxing.

And you certainly need to relax.

Y/n meant what she said when it was relaxing so she returned the favor for Hailee. the further y/n got the more she realized Hailee really thought she meant y/n would relax her.

I'm slightly disappointed. 

I expected something else...

HA yeah by returning the favor I meant it literally.


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