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Found this cute One-shot on Tumblr! Takes place in an alternative universe in which Scott and Hope meet in an Coffee-Shop...

Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning, Scott shows up exactly at 7:32 am.

It's not because that's when the traffic is smoothest, or that's when Janie brews a fresh pot of coffee, or even when the Wi-Fi is the easiest to use.

Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning at 7:32 am, Hope Van Dyne is sitting in her usual corner table surrounded by paperwork with her laptop front and center.

She mumbles under her breath and continuously puts her hair back up into a ponytail, fraying it around her face as she runs her hands over her face. Scott looks on from afar, trying so hard to focus on his own paperwork, but completely inept at paying attention when the beautiful brunette is busy pouring over her work three tables away.

He drinks at least two cups of coffee before he makes his way to XCon Security in the morning. He likes to do some of the proposals at the coffee shop anyway - the atmosphere is not nearly as hostile and uncomfortable as his workspace at the business.

Scott takes one final glance in her direction, watching as she runs her fingertips over the paperwork as if trying to make an invisible connection between the words and numbers.

He smiles, looking down at his feet, and then walks out the door.

Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning, Hope shows up exactly at 7:29 am.

It's not because that's when the train runs, or because she can always get her perfect spot, or even because that's when the first of the pastries are put out for consumption.

Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning at 7:29 am, Scott Lang is clambering down the sidewalk to try and shove his way through the door and order a simple black cup of coffee.

He always trips over his own two feet and apologizes to everyone he comes into contact with. His laptop has stickers on it that a normal grown man should be ashamed of, but somehow Hope knows that he's proud to have a queen ant sticker in the middle of his laptop case.

She knows he works at a security company, and she assumes that he's working on his proposals when he comes in for coffee on their scheduled days.

Hope likes to think that their lives are in sync, even though they don't speak to one another or even see each other outside of the coffee shop.

The foam from her cappuccino tickles her upper lip and Hope realizes that she didn't grab any napkins when she placed her order. She stands, rubbing her lip with the back of her hand, and walks towards the kiosk to grab a few napkins.

As she reaches out to snatch a few, something, or rather someone, hurtles into her back and she stumbles forward into the trash can. Luckily it's early enough in the morning that coffee cups and general trash don't come flying out of the can. Instead, it just makes a terribly loud noise and forces a blush onto her cheeks.

Hope turns to give the person a piece of her mind when she comes into contact with a brown-eyed, stubble-faced man who she has been dying to speak to for three months.

"I-I, I'm so sorry, I was on the phone with Cassie, a-and I didn't even-I am so sorry," Scott stutters out a miserable apology.

Hope reaches out and puts her hand on his elbow, steadying him, "I-It's okay, Scott."

He continues rambling some semblance of another apology, but cuts himself off when he realizes that she used his name.

"U-Uh, have we been introduced?"

Hope figures that she can lie and say that they spoke one time before, or she can tell the truth and admit to a complete stranger that she has some odd fascination with his weekly habits.

"Not technically," she speaks honestly, her cheeks hot at the admission. "I hear them call your name every time I'm in here."

"O-Oh." Scott's face blanches and he looks off to the side as if gathering himself before he begins rambling again. "W-Well I didn't really mean to come in every time you're here, but you make it really easy, okay?! I-I like coming here on those days and you so happen to be here and so what if I like seeing you? Is that such a big deal?"

Hope narrows her eyes to slits to study him and Scott suddenly feels very small.

He throws his hands up before he can make a larger fool of himself, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't realize how creepy that was until I said it out loud to the girl I've been semi-stalking. I, uh, I will never come back here again."

Scott rolls his lips against one another, "I-It was nice meeting you. Finally."

Hope lets him get all the way to the door before she calls his name.

She follows him outside, reaching to grab him by the elbow and turn him towards her, "Scott, listen!"

His brown eyes go wide and Hope finds herself unable to let go of him. She smiles with relief, "I-uh, well, I've been semi-stalking you too."

Scott goes to open his mouth, but she now knows she'll never get another word in unless she stops him first. She pushes her index finger to his lips, "Look, I didn't mean to either. But I think you're funny and interesting and I like your ant sticker. Want to get coffee sometime?"

She lets her hand drift from his lips and there is a small amount of space between them, something they're both increasingly becoming aware of the longer the silence drags.

"Uh, you left your laptop inside," Scott blurts, "that's a security risk."

Hope scoffs, rolling her eyes, but grabs him by the hand and drags him back into the coffee shop.

Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning, Scott shows up exactly at 7:32 am.

It's not because that's when the traffic is smoothest, or that's when Janie brews a fresh pot of coffee, or even when the wifi is the easiest to use.

Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning at 7:32 am, Hope Van Dyne is holding his hand across their usual table, a cappuccino and a black coffee sitting together in coexistence on the counter in front of them. XCon security proposals and scientific explorations live in harmony on the table as they study and plan together.

Just how they do pretty much everything nowadays. Together.

Hope & Scott (oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now