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It was the first day of school for Heyongjun and he was extremely nervous. He was the quiet type of person, always trying to avoid a lot of people and especially talking with people. Crowded places were a nightmare; he knew that the bigger the school was, the bigger the crow would be. He stepped inside of the school, holding his books in his hands and someone bumped into him suddenly, scattering all of his books on the ground.

"Sorry," the boy whispered and started to put them in order.

"It's fine," Hyeonjun whispered back and looked up at the other one.

A group of teenagers started laughing and caught their attention. But the stranger looked back at the new boy and smiled.

"You must be Hyeonjun?" He asked and stretched his hand, both of them standing up. "Seungmin, but they call me Oddie because there's another guy here whose name is Seungmin. Eh, he's older than me, but everybody knows him since he's dating the most athletic boy in school, Changbin." the boy smiled and giggled, realizing that he threw too much information at the new boy. "I think I'm the one who has to show you around today after school." He continued and the boy nodded.

"See you then!" He took his books from the two stretched hands towards him, handing them. He waved and continued on his path, listening to the giggles and the laughter. 

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