Zoom call pt.3 (smackdown pt.1)

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'Well, hello, hello ladies again' Renee says

'Hey' everybody says

'Welcome back to part three of zoom session, we all talk off camera and we all agree to watch raw and smackdown together live but if anyone feels bad or can't make it then we completely understand, before smackdown starts how are you guys feeling today' Renee says

'We have this group chat and we have been texting each other ever since we found out that we all are pregnant at the same time and some of us including myself hormones are over the place one minute I'm crying, the next I'm laughing and Nikki is looking at me like I'm possess, it's just a lot going on right now' Maryse says

'Oh man, I'm glad that you guys have each other right who's going through the same thing as you' Renee says

'Yeah, today in the middle of making breakfast for myself Ronda made her own breakfast and then all of a sudden my dad came to my mind and I just lost it started crying uncontrollable and Ronda heard me crying she didn't ask why I was crying just came up to and just hug me she didn't let go until I was done crying' Natalya says

'Aw' Carmella says

'Aw that's a true right there' Renee says

'She is one of a kind' Natalya says

'Has any of your guys wives besides Ronda have noticed the hormone changes?' Renee asks

'Funny story um actually this morning you know me I'm always have a smile on my face but this morning I was just really irritated about everything and Ruby didn't do anything wrong and I just snapped at her and we looked at each other for a few seconds she opened her mouth to ask me what was wrong but just closed her mouth because she knew it was the hormones kicking in' Liv says

'Wow, that must have taken you both off guard?' Renee asks

'Oh yeah' Liv says

'The other day I caused out Asuka in Japanese and I didn't mean to and she just looked at me in shock but like Liv said just like Ruby, Asuka didn't do anything either' Kairi says

'Oh wow, just something came over you to cause her out' Renee says

'It's these hormones man' Kairi says

'You know what's weird me, Carmella, Alexa, Naomi, Dana and Maryse our hormones are not emotional we just eat a lot and sometimes Bayley has to stop me from eating too much because I might get sick we all eat so much because we're eating for two but when I'm full the baby isn't yet' Sasha says

'Oh my god' Renee says

'Yeah it's scary' Sasha says

'Jimmy had to lock the food up so I won't eat too much food because that can damage the baby's health and also my health too' Naomi says

'Yeah that's true' Renee says

'Me and Dana has been eating a lot of fast food lately' Maryse says

'Yeah every meal it's something different' Dana says

'A lot of different food cravings' Renee says

'Oh yeah' Sasha says

'I just eat what we got in the house' Alexa says

'That's the beat way right there save money' Dana says

'I have been Mickie's cooking lately, I mean I have before but more now' Carmella says

'Wow those are some crazy food cravings guys' Renee says, they all agrees with that

'Well smackdown is about to start here soon so Carmella can you give us anything about tonight on smackdown?' Renee asks

'No but I can say expect the unexpected' Carmella says

'Oh ok that sounds interesting, alright ladies, are we ready to watch smackdown together?' Renee asks

'Yes' they are says, at the same time

'Alright here we' Renee says

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