chapter 1

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So, my family is poor. Ever since our dad left, it's just been me and my mom, struggling to make ends meet. The only thing saving me was that I was super smart -- practically the valedictorian of my highschool class. I could have went to Harvard, but that I just couldn't afford it. And now I can only go to a college near my home. But at least I have a scholarship so it doesn't cost me anything to attend. keeps telling me I need to become a doctor or a lawyer or a dentist. I could probably become any of those if I wanted to -- for some reason, I seem to just pick things up naturally. When I played the piano at the band room in high school, I could play Beethoven and Mozart within five minutes. I also know first aid because I saw an old woman choking and performed the heimlich maneuver, and everyone clapped. A guy, who was a doctor, saw that and applauded me for my quick thinking, and taught me the basics of medicine.

But even if I could do all of those things, I just don't want to. My real passion is art, and no one can take it away from me. And against my mom's wishes, I majored in fine arts. So what if I live poor? At least I'm doing what makes me happy!

But recently my mom's six jobs haven't been paying enough bills. And I really wanted to keep my Netflix and Amazon Prime subscription. I also work three jobs at Starbucks, Panera Bread and as a waitress at a Greek restaurant, but none of them are paying me enough because the economy is in shambles.

But then i was walking around campjs until I saw a sign that said that they needed nude models. "Nude models??!!! Who would want to be that!!" I laughed. I ripped the flyer off the wall and shook my head then crumpled it into a ball and shoved it into my bag. I don't like littering I feel very passionate about it.

I was so tired from my jobs at Starbucks Panera bread and as a waitress and also rhe chemistry class that i went to that I basically landed face first into my mattress super exhausted. I could feel something poking my butt but I didn't pay attention to it.

When I woke up from my sleep, I look down and pull out what was beneath my butt. It was my phone... And it was pulled up to the contacts!! Afraid, I looked to see if I accidentally butt dialed someone... And I dd..

"No.........," I groaned. I pulled out the flyer. It was the EXACT number I butt dialed. WTF!!!!!

I look back down angrily at my phone and saw that someone left me a voicemail so I pressed on it and listened.

"Hey...." Immediately, the sexiest voice came over the phone. EXTREMELY hot!!! I could tell whoever was on the other side had the body of a sculpted Greek statue... Holy moly... "I dont know if you meant to call, but if you're interested in being a nude model for my art, I really need someone. Call me back if you're interested"

That voice sounds so familiar..... Only one person has a voice THAT gorgeous.... And it's probably AIREN from one of my fine arts classes. Everyone fawns over him... He has gorgeous bright eyes, silky hair that are just begging for a hand to run it through, and an elegant jawline that could cut through apples and make them into slices. Goddamn!!! But everyone thinks he's a loner.... He doesn't really hang out with anyone. Apparently he doesn't like to paint people, he only likes to paint landscapes and stuff. Maybe he needs to draw people for an assignment. But either way it's really sus. I think people are starting to think he's gay. That can't be true!!!! But if I were a nude model for him..... Even if he was gay....

I sighed, got up and looked at myself in the mirror. Okay, maybe he'll just become gay forever if he sees my body. I'm so ugly. I have chestnut brown hair that bhrns golden in the sunlight, ocean blue orbs, thick lashes, and an hourglass figure. But I'm really skinny and that's not attractive. I have freckles which are also not good looking. My butt is too big for my body. Be definitely won't like want he sees.

But still..... The flyer was offering a lot of money. And I really need it because my family is poor... Maybe this is the only way?

I mijdter the courage to call the number again . It rings.

"Hello?" Says AIREN.

"Hi" I said shyly.

"Oh is this Y/N?" he says sounding surprised.

"Yeah" I can't believe he remembers my name!!! "You said you wanted to a nude model ?"

"Yes I need one for an assignment" he laughs "j think you'll be perfect. I'll pay you for your time"

"Great I'll be there"

"Okay" I can hear his smile over the phone.

I hang up and jump into the bed, squealing into my pillow. I can't believe I'm AIREN'S nude model!!!!!



hello dis AE PLSSSS comment and like!!! It wud mean the WORLD 2 me!!! owo thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333333

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