I'll Be Your Sunshine pt.1

Start from the beginning

"So you skipped class?" Louis guesses. Harry looks at the space between him and Louis, like he is watching a television show on the sheets. He doesn't answer for a little while, but Louis lets him take his time. He studies how strangely still Harry is, how his shoulders hunch forward and how his limbs don't fidget in the slightest.

"I went early," Harry finally says.

"Went where?" Louis wonders, hoping he isn't prying.

"I have to go through your hallway to get to the nurse's office."

"Did you get hurt?" Louis asks, trying to figure out what happened to make Harry have a bad morning.

"No. He has my medicine," Harry says.

"Oh," Louis nods. He wants to know why Harry went to the nurse's office early, and what medicine was there that inspired him to change his routine, but he leaves it be. The conversation has reached an abrupt end. Louis rapidly searches his mind for things to talk about or things to do. "What do you do on the weekends?" He eventually asks, feeling refreshed at the sound of his voice in the quiet room.

"I spend time with my big sister. She comes home from uni on the weekends to see me. She says that, but I think she just likes our mum's cooking," he starts to smile, then purses his lips; Louis swears he hears a shaky breath as well.

"I'm sure your sister is telling the truth. You seem like a lovely little brother," Louis smiles. He is happy to hear that Harry has a sister who loves him and spends time with him over the weekend. "What do you and your sister do? Does she have a name?"

"Gemma. And we do a lot together. We like a lot of the same things," he says, his voice becoming more resolute as he continues to talk about his big sister. "When I'm not feeling well she lays in bed with me and we watch movies all day," he adds, thinking out loud. Again, Louis only nods, because in his mind he has a growing list of questions he shouldn't ask. "What do you do on the weekends?"

"I spend time with my family, too. I have a pretty big family, so it's like a party when we're all in the same house," Louis smiles.

The boys continue to ask basic questions to learn more about each other. Louis treads lightly, not wanting to dig too deep trying to figure Harry out.

"Do you wanna play Uno?" Harry asks once they run out of questions. "My mum made me bring it in case I made any friends," he meekly explains.

"Of course," Louis says. He watches Harry as he goes to his desk and searches for the card game in the drawers. The way Harry talks about himself and his circumstances confuses Louis; it almost makes his heart ache. Harry sounds sad--there really isn't any way to put it. Not sad like pathetic, but sad like hopeless, desolate. He puts on a small smile when Harry returns with the game, trying to be entertaining and lighthearted in an attempt to cast sunshine onto the boy who seems to have a cloud looming over him.


The weather has finally gotten cold enough for the first snows of the year. That means no more football, no more sleeping with the window open, and most importantly, no more showing Harry around the school grounds as an excuse to spend time with him.

Louis and Harry's friendship has grown over the first two months of the school year, but it has yet to blossom. In Louis' mind exists a list of everything Harry has told him about himself and everything he believes, most of which are negative. Try as he might, Louis cannot comprehend how such a kind and thoughtful person cannot see how lovely he is.

Before meeting Harry, weekends for Louis meant going home, seeing family, and hanging out with friends. Now, weekends mean time spent away from talking in the hallway and occasionally hanging out with his delicate friend.

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