Fall off a cliff (The Definitive Edition)

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Nineteen stays over at Twenty's apartment room(because he doesnt like the fandango guy's house/she doesnt accept his feelings)

'' twenty why is your house weired '' Nineteen scoffed softly while looking at Twenty's VERY bored expression.

The tango guy seemed to be staring at the one-off (but its more of a glare with how he's slightly frowning)

'' It was a rhetorical question ''

'' That's not how you use rhetorical questions, Nineteen. ''

'' I knooow, not like i told you before that I didn't liked you. ''

'' im appalled ''

Before the two could talk to each other, they were stopped on what seems to be a i forgot

Ding dong.

'' SUPRISE MOTHERFUCKERS! '' Boom, Forty-Eight opened and slammed the door, leaving a very shocked Nointeen and Twenty

Twenty gasped, '' BITCH THAT DOOR WAS EXPENSIVE '' he cant believe that his door was broken

The magician simply burst into laughter, '' I CANT BELIEVE YOU FALL FOR THAT! ''

'' FALL FOR WHAT??? ''

She shrugged, '' You'll see. ''


Forty-Eight quickly took Nineteen and Twenty while rushing to the elevator, to be fair, she could've used her rays to get to the elevator quickly.

'' BITCH UNHAND ME OR ILL BITE YOU!!1!1!1!1! '' Twenty warned Forty-Eight but she wasn't listening, she quickly got on the elevator and pressed the Ninth floor(which is very haunted due to the amount of ppl doing a ayo the pizzas here moment)

The one-off sighed, '' 48, why are you doing this ''

'' I was simply going for a walk. ''

How is that even related to walking??


The elevator's doors opened, 48 stepped out(yes she brought 19 and 20 with her), she headed out to the stairs.

'' Alright theen, any words?? ''

The two said in unison, '' I hate you/Why are you doing this ''

48 simply grinned, '' Oops, my hands slipped. ''

She dropped the One-off and the Tango Dancer off the stairs and it wasn't a very lovely experience, after that, 48 went back to the elevator to the Eleventh floor.

Im too lazy to write now so after that 20 used his rays he caught 19 and the two were very fucking confused on what just happened and they got up to do whatever normal thing they had,meanwhile 18 is singing a song while numberblocks 3-39 were somewhat amazed at his singing then later they all wondered on where tf is 19 and 20 only for 48 to open the door saying that they dropkicked out of the ceiling

the end, again

drawing and writing dump (mostly numberblocks)Where stories live. Discover now