(Chapter 1)The gate

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Hey I know y'all are sexist assholes but let me be a mother said y/n

Fine u annoying child said the demon

Hell yea said y/n

My bad let's go back to the beginning

While I was walking home I had to cross the road but I couldn't hear the people saying watch out I looked up to see a speeding car zooming towards me I was frozen I couldn't move I was hit then blacked out

I'm in the promised Neverland but how well nvm idc

Wow a ginger haired girl also know as Emma said while holding on to the metal bars of a gate

Mother says to never go near the gate are the fence a h/c haired boy
also know as y/n said

Well there's nothing dangerous here so there's no reason not to a raven haired boy said who's known as ray

I agree a white haired boy said who's known as Norman

Time skip to present

Y/n's pov

I woke up to someone poking me

Yes I said

Can u help me with my shoes conny said

Ofc conny I said with a warm smile

After helping conny I went downstairs and saw Emma running around holding someone on her back ( sorry I forgot names I'll search for them later)

Hey Emma I waved at her

Oh hey y/n how are u Emma asked

Oh I'm good how about u I asked

I'm good to- oh good morning Norman  morning ray Emma said

Morning Emma Norman said

Morning emma ray said in a mocking tone

Oh morning ray morning Norman  I said

Oh yea mornin- norman was cut off

Morning y/n ray said cutting off norman

Time skip to eating

We said our prayers before eating

Hey y/n Emma said before stuffing her mouth with food

I giggled a bit

Yes Emma I said/asked

How are u not tired since u stay up till like 4am Emma asked

Well I read in a book that smarter people and happy people take longer to fall asleep
( I'm pretty sure that people who are smarter do stay up late and people with messy rooms are proved to be smarter to also not trying to be rude idk if it's fully true )

Time skip to the end of the tests

Ok y/n,ray,Norman,and Emma you all were done the fastest ray,Norman,Emma,and y/n you all got the highest scores again Mother said

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