
Arthur Leywin POV

With two of the four now in their tents, I watched as the other two talked behind the carriage.

I continued to watch as they finished talking, and one of them walked to the other side of the carriage heading to the front.

Good, they've split up giving me a good opportunity. I quickly jumped to the tree on the other side of the carriage where my first target was. I conjured an ice dagger and wrapped it in wind mana.

As he jumped closer to the front of the carriage, I jumped towards the slave trader casting a wind barrier around us.

The man looked at me with wide eyes, and his right hand moved to the sword slung on his back. With a swift motion, I swung my ice dagger which cut the mans throat. I used wind mana to gently guide the man to the ground.

I jumped back into the tree to stay hidden. I'll attack them one at a time.

Sylvia taught me if there are more of them, or if they're stronger than you, use better tactics. She taught me how to strike quickly and run. A tactic I like to call....... Stealthy Arty. I thought it was a great name, Sylvia just laughed at it.

I continued to wait in the tree until I noticed the other man start to walk to the front. I felt fire mana being pulled to him. I willed magic into my eyes and observed fire mana particles condensing into his hands.

So he is a mage. I'll have to finish him off quickly. As the man got to the front of the carriage. I saw as he looked around confused. He was most likely looking for his friend.

The man continued to walk around the carriage until he came to the side where I just killed the first of the four. The man stopped when he saw his dead comrade.

I immediately jumped off the tree towards the man when I saw him open his mouth. I can't let him call his friends.

I landed on top of the mans head, while immediately covering his mouth, and plunged my ice dagger into his neck braking it off. I jumped off the man and watched as he fell to the ground with a thud.

Two down, two to go.

"What's going on out there!" I heard a yell coming from the tent.

I saw as one of the men emerged from the tent and looked at me and his two dead comrades.

A look of surprise crossed his face, and then anger mixed with determination. "Morgan, wake up, we have a visitor!" The man yelled.

The other man emerged from the tent and looked at the man who yelled, then me.

"Well well well, looks like they couldn't handle a little kid boss, I told you they were useless. Even if Pinky was a mage, he was half assed. So what do you want to do with him?"

"We will take him too, he could be worth some money if he has some fighting skills. Don't hurt him too bad."

Both of them reached for their weapons as Morgan took out a war-hammer, and the boss took out a silver short sword.

Alright then, Let's play.

I conjured my twin blades, and using wind magic jumped into the tree doing a back flip. My feet landed on the base of the tree and I propelled myself with wind magic towards the men.

"He's a mage?!!" I heard the boss yell.

I twisted myself in the air vertically bring my arms together so they were parallel with each other, one right above the other.

With neither of the men suspecting I could use magic, I easily got the jump on them as I neared Morgan and sliced him with my blades. My wind blade cutting his throat cauterizing the wound. And my ice blade cutting his chest and electrocuting him.

My ice blade broke off in Morgan, and I used his body to jump away landing a few feet from the boss as Morgan fell to the ground dead.

The boss looked at me with a face of rage, surprise, and greed. "Alright you damned brat, I'm gonna have fun breaking you."

I placed my left hand on the ground and willed the earth to answer my call as I used earth mana. The earth beneath the bosses feet shifted as his legs split apart. I conjured an earth spike which shot up and hit the boss between his legs.

The man looked up at the sky and yelled, "my balls!!!!!!!!!!"

Wow Durden, you were right, it is effective. I quickly shot forward with wind mana and plunged my wind blade into the mans head. I then brought the blade up as I slice his head open. (Talk about having an open mind)

I watched as he man fell down dead. Well, that's four. I turned to look at the carriage. My thought went to the elf girl, I need to get her out.

I looked at all the dead body's, and decided she didn't need to see any of this. Using wind mana, I picked up there body's and dropped them into a bush out of sight.

I looked at their bodies and all the blood, and that's when it hit me.

I-I just.... I just killed these people.

(Chapter 9, let me know what you guys think and point out any errors. Open to criticism!)

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