𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

Start from the beginning

The coronation room was even bigger than I remembered. The white and dark grey marble floors reflected the light pouring in through the skinny, floor length mirrors like the ocean. Long red curtains I had ordered prior cascaded the rims of the windows and pooled at the floor. The high, carved celling was host to the most beautiful chandelier I'd ever seen, even grader than the one in my parents old suit. Hundreds of lit candles flicked on the diamond and glass structure, and I couldn't for the life of me think how the hell the servants got up there to light them.
The kingdoms public would gather outside the castle soon to see their new queen.
I quickly pulled myself together and stoped gawking at the room when Sir Himerdown, the highest ranked member of the high court, save myself, walked in. "My lady" he greeted with a small smile. "You look- rather, different than what was expected" he furrowed his brow.
"Well, I am different." I smiled. "This world has never seen a queen like me. And there never will be another one." I calmly informed him.
He looked taken aback for only a second before smiling and bowing his head. As he should have done in the first damn place. "Yes, indeed, my lady."
I turned on my heel away from him to examine the rest of the magnificent room. Tall marble pillars stretched from celling to floors, gold framed paintings of former kings on the left and queens on the right. Right at the very end, my parents portraits sat.
"It time" I whispered to myself.
As I made my way towards the giant fleet of round marble stairs, the 2 guards at the top of the stairway opened the huge double doors to reveal hundreds of thousands of people, silently waiting for there new queen. I filled my lungs with fresh air and blew it out through my mouth, closing my eyes and dropping my head. Another deep breath. In through my nose, out through my mouth.
I simultaneously opened my eyes and raised my chin high. One step at a time.
A second passed for every step. With Sir Himerdown trailing a few passes back, I so very slowly made my way to the top.

The crowd below me watched me silently at I stood before them. As I turned to face Sir Himerdown, he smiled at me encouragingly, and despite myself, my dislike for the man, I smiled back. I convinced myself it was just a part of the facade I had in place to ensure no one would suspect anything before I was crowned.
Crowned queen.
The Crown.
The crown was, I- I truly had absolutely no words. The crown looked so different upon each queens head, from the magic that bound it together. It would take a new form, decorated with whatever it saw deep in the new queens soul.
I had no idea what it would see within me. Darkness? Nothing at all?
As if on cue, Himerdown guided me to bow my head as he picked up his black leather gloves that would keep his skin from touching the sacred crown when it he placed it atop my head. He oh so delicately picked the crown up from the ruby red velvet holder it had sat on, and walked over to me.
I could feel the world swaying beneath my feet, my breathing hitched the closer he walked, my heartbeat sounded like a thousand war horses racing into battle.
I closed my eyes when he was only a few feet away, and when I opened them, the crown was on my head. A bright light of celestial silver slashed in front of me, and I saw myself looking at a mirror, the mirror of creation. The mirror that would show me how I transform into the new queen.
I'm my reflection, I saw the crown start to glow, first with a bright white, the aura of the pervious queen, and slowly fade into a blue-black. The light swirled around the crown as it transformed. The base, made out of small antler shaped bones, become black and metallic, with tall obsidian spikes protruding from the front, the tallest in the center. Deep blue crystals found themselves around the base, wedged between the bones, while silver stars were glittering on the obsidian spikes, making them look like broken shards of the night sky. I saw thin black chains drap from the sides to the back of the crown, matching the loops in the corset I wore. Black roses and thorns twisted through the bones. Finally, a huge red, no, blue, both, a red that when in the right light, turned the darkest blue, jewel was placed right in the center of the tallest obsidian spike. It was beautiful.
"My gods" Himerdown whispered. I turned to him as the mirror faded away, the blue black light swirling into the strange gem in my crown. "N-night magic."
That was utterly Impossible.
"There- there is no such thing" I seethed. "The last of the night magic was given to the king in the shadow lands." The crowd, who clearly hadn't heard our quick conversation, erupted.
Cheers, screams, laughter.
They clapped and cheered for their new queen, oblivious that she had killed the prior queen not 2 weeks ago. Sir Himerdown cleared his throat and shouted. "Long Live The Queen!" More cheers, louder than before filled the kingdom. I raised my hands and glittering black fire swirls around my palms and arms, leaving black swirls with stars in its wake. "A queen of night. A queen of moonlight." Sir Himerdown announced again to the still cheering crowds.
The black stains glittered with shimmering blues, whites, and purples when I brought down my arms.
The ceremony was complete.
The stains always appeared on the new king or queen. Usually a band of fire, gifting the royal with fire magic, or maybe yellow and blue clouds and winds, showing day magic. There were so many powers I couldn't name them all. But I was certain, that no royal of Aurenith had ever been blessed with night magic. The most raw kind, so powerful in its own way, if it was gifted to the wrong king or queen... I didn't let myself finish that sentence.
As I started to walk down the steps, Himerdown followed. "Congratulations, your majesty, may the kingdom throw a ball in your honour!" He suggested "T-thank you" I stuttered. I never, ever stuttered. "How is this possible." I turned around to face him. His face dropped "honestly majesty, I have no idea. But let's celebrate it like we would any other royal. A party, themed like the darkest night sky, to worship your new power." And with that, he left. Left me standing on the stairs. "Good gods." I breathed. Night magic. Pure and raw. A queen of night indeed. "Perfect"

AN: sorry if this chapter is a little weird, but I'm setting the base for something big.... Hope you enjoyed !!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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