The Red Headed Uzumaki

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"Tomorrow is the ninja academy's graduation exam, you have failed the last 2 times already! This is no time to be causing trouble! Baka!"

Iruka-sensei yelled pointing a finger at the trouble causing boy.

"And also! Emiko you're not doing much better! You've failed more times then Naruto! What do you two have to say for yourself?!"

Emiko looked at the ceiling and stuffed her hands into her coat pockets.


She said slightly hostile.

"Yeah Yeah..."

Naruto murmured with an annoyed sigh. Iruka took neither response well.

"That's it! A review test for the transformation jutsu! Everyone line up! Transform perfectly into me!"

Iruka commanded sternly. The whole class groaned out in annoyance. The class of pre-shinobi lined up single file despite their complaining. Some students transform perfectly into their sensei while others not so much.

"Haruno Sakura."

Iruka-sensei said staring at the pink haired girl.

"Alright then! Sasuke-kun watch this!"

She said determined to impress her crush.


Sakura had transformed into a perfect Iruka-sensei.

"Good job."

Iruka told her writing a grade down on his clipboard.

"Did you see that Sasuke-kun!"

She exclaimed excitedly after transforming back into her own body. Her eyes sparkled in anticipation, hoping for some type of acknowledgement from her long time crush. Only to be destroyed when Sasuke didn't spare her a glance. Emiko rolled her eyes at the pathetic attempt.

If you're trying to impress someone, try doing something that half the class and himself don't know how to do.

She thought.

"Uchiha Sasuke, Your up."

Iruka called ignoring their exchange. Without a word Sasuke transformed into Iruka and back. Emiko made a face at the arrogant Uchiha.

"Great job Sasuke. Next Uzumaki Naruto."

Iruka-sensei said the last part reluctantly.

"This is yours and Emiko's fault..."

The kids standing behind Naruto accused acidly.

"Like I care."

He murmured taking a step forward.

Damn this sucks... Alright here we go!

He told himself adjusting his signature goggles. He clasped his hands into the right hand signs.


Naruto yelled, his chakra pooling around him. Emiko raised a eyebrow.

Is he going to do it right this time?

She asked herself watching her brother with increased interest. A puff of smoke happened but what was left in its place was not Iruka; but a naked girl version of Naruto. Emiko eyes widen and she took a step back in surprise. Smoke covered the girls private parts and she was posing in a lewd way. Anger sparked inside Emiko.

What the hell does he think he's doing!

Iruka-sensei had a nose bleed and flew backwards from all the blood. Naruto transform back into his boy self and laugh hysterically.

The Red Headed Uzumakiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن