Waking up

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To ash and dust wipe my brows and swe- ok ok ok sorry here , enjoy the story ! :

What makes a purpose so important? Why does life have to have a meaning? One doesn't want life to be empty, now do they? Some try to ignore this question by indulging in distractions, trying to drown out their despair with things like work, drinking, or gambling. Others just wallow up in their pain and try to hang onto what they have to make themselves happy. Then there are those that simply don't care and go on with life. Who're they to let life keep them down and meaningless? They choose what is important to them, not fate. One would hope anyway.

Unfortunately, hope wasn't the first thing on the awakening man's mind. Those words were dirty, dry, and hard, which described the ground he laid on. A very uncomfortable place to be woken up. He slowly arose from his slumber with a long groan, finding himself in what could be described as an abandoned medieval bunkroom. Plants covered the cracked forsaken walls and floors, while darkness filled the empty room.

The human had no idea where he was. None of this looked familiar to him. He tried to think of how he got here, only for a headache and hazy memories to fill his mind. The same result came, again and again, his searches for memory only resulting in more pain and foggy thoughts. He only gave up when it felt like his head was going to split apart. Upon recovery, the only thing that seemed to be clear was his name: Mael. He didn't know if it was short for something longer, but he didn't care. He had a name and that was much better than knowing nothing.

While his eyes weren't fully used to the dark, he could see the exit out of the room. Where this led, he had no idea, but the only other choice from leaving was staying here and starve to death. Upon leaving the little prison, he entered into a hallway filled with darkness. God, this was going to be a pain. He needed a light badly, but where was he going to find something in this abandoned wreck. It was then, instinct began to call out.

Fear and need overtaking Mael, he slowly moved an arm outward, his hand appearing to be clutching something. A soft, tingling sensation began to overtake him, spreading from the back of his head into his fingertips. There was a bright flash of light, and to his sheer surprise, a fist-sized ball of cackling, spitting electricity materialized into his palm.

How he was able to do this, he didn't know. But now wasn't the time to think about that. He had a light and he could see clearly. What he saw was a similar situation to the bunker, plant life having grown to cover the cracked walls and floor of the hallway. The hall seemed to go on forever, but not having a choice, Mael began to walk. Despite not having a clue about who or where he was, walking through this hall was pretty calming. Gave him time to relax and think about the situation in which he was in, as well as gave him time to look at what he was wearing. White button-up under a long black overcoat, sleeves decorated with what could be described as dark blue lightning clouds, while his bottom attire was a simple combo of black baggy pants and boots. Not bad-looking at all, but the markings were a little showy. Mael didn't mind them that much, though. In fact, he thought they looked cool.

As for his current route, it seemed like he was walking for a long time. That's what it felt like to him, anyway. He could've been walking for two minutes, but it felt like he was going for two hours. The worst part was that it didn't seem like he was going anywhere. Everywhere he looked, there was a door that led to a desolate room of plant-covered walls or the place being ravaged of anything at all. Each time, the feelings of hopelessness continued to grow within him. It wasn't until he began to approach a staircase that those feelings changed. Could this be a ticket out? Before his mind could come up with an answer, Mael quickly sprinted to and up the stairs, seeing what seemed to be a faint light beyond a door.Instinct took over as Mael reached the barrier to freedom, the young man smashing his orb of lightning into the frame, breaking down both the orb and the door. What it revealed was a shrine room with a candle lit next to each side of the door. The room, like the corridor and bunk rooms, looked pretty weathered and beaten up. There was a tattered rug on the floor, the candles were halfway spent, a large altar in the middle of the room, and other such things. There was another hallway at the back of the room, which hopefully lead to the outside. But, there had to be someone here, at least recently. Candles don't light themselves.".... Hello?" Mael called out. The sound echoed all throughout the empty room. "Anyone?!" he called with no answer. Absolutely nothing. He let out a long disappointed sigh but continued onward, thoughts drifting to try and find reasons why the candles were lit. Said thoughts stopped when he reached the altar and heard the sounds of something hard scraping against the floor and soft shuffling coming from the hallway. "Hello?" the words flew out of Mael's mouth before he realized it. No answer, but he could see sparks coming from the hallway. They were armed. Fear took over once more as the orb rematerialized in his hand, Mael pointing it towards the hall. What he saw... he didn't know if he was extremely frightened or extremely turned on.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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