chapter two: through thick and thin

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I woke up and looked around at the room trying to get up. my body was being held down by Sapnap's arm as a brushed some hairs out of his face smiling. I spread my wings and moved out of his grip my wings entering my back as I waddled into Nikki's room. She looked up and smirked at me as she saw my legs shake softly, "awww did someone fuck with the wrong person and now coming to me for help." I nodded and she stood up walking over and helped me to her bed getting me a few clothes I left at her place when I was last here. It was a skirt with slits down the sides and a tank top that went with it. I took the hoodie of as she handed me a bra and pair of underwear getting dressed. "I have to go take care of Tommy and Tubbo then I'm going to head home the keys are still in the same place." She nodded and I throw the hoodie on grabbing my stuff and left going to the boys house. I walked in after unlocking the door, "boys I'm here sorry if I'm late." Tubbo ran up to me smileing and I kneeled down kissing his cheek as Tommy tugged my skirt. I wabbled as I stood grabbing the wall and looked Up at a confused Wilbur, "you okay." I nodded slowly walking into the kitchen as the two boys followed holding there favorite toys. "Yeah just stayed up thinking last night and I tend to stand at a window for to long is all," hopefully that lie works. He nodded and I made breakfast for the boys smiling as I sat down with a cup of coffee sighing softly. "You feeling okay," I nodded sipping on the coffee , "thinking about going back to the Neather I belong there or maybe back to the gods realm I'm still not sure. I mean I have nothing left her but the kids and y'all. But I know that you guys and the kids can go to the gods realm when ever you feel till a serten age unless you become a god." He nodded and I leaned back sighing, "might go back but then i would have to deal with XD." he nodded and I looked out the window as it started to rain, "hmm interesting hasn't rained like that in a while oh well." I stood up and went to the window watching the cloud patterns, "some time I wonder what it would be like if I went to the gods land." Wilbur nodded patting my back, "well as the goddess of fertility and weather you would probably fit in." I nodded and walked into the living room to watch Tubbo and Tommy. The day went by fast and I made my way home seeing a bird on the window Ciel holding I scrolled carrier. I grabbed the scroll and read it sighing as I snapped my fingers a few bags appearing around me. I closed my eyes and appeared in a poof of feathers in full goddess form my bags disappearing, "ahh Y/N welcome home to gods land my dear."

Lady death bowed and I did the same as she lead me past a small house twords a Temple

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Lady death bowed and I did the same as she lead me past a small house twords a Temple. Lanterns lighting as we walked in and I looked twords the end of the hall seeing a lite up green XD at the end. We stopped at a serten point and bowed as lady death did not looking at the man, "so this is the little goddess." I heard a deep voice say as my chin was lifted slowly looking up as the masked being. I blushed a soft hue smileing softly and you could tell by his body language that he was cereus about me. He opened his hand a chain appearing on his hand connected to a collar around my neck, "you will be my pet then you are free to go death." Lady death nodded and
Started to walk away looking at me with an I'm sorry look. I sighed and looked back at the man as he yanked the chain pulling me to him. I landed at his feet as he stood from his thrown and he smiled down at me as to figures came out the shadow's. Other gods maybe, god I hate being a apprentice to a goddess who will give me to another god. The men came into view and I gasped on the inside as I saw Sapnap and looked to the other man, "for the goddess of weather, life, and fertility. I expected there to me more of her sha is really short." I rolled my eyes mentaly and gave him a closed eyed smile, "I'm sorry was I supposed to be some hot goddess with long beautiful hair a nice rack and beautiful sapphire eyes maybe you would prefer me to be blond to. I'm the goddess of fertility and life not the goddess of beauty and snarky Ness." I stood up turning my head and Sapnap raised a brow as I spoke but shook his head the three looking at my body.

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