Nick walked back into the office, munching on one of the heavenly cookies Rory had given him.  He swallows as he saw his boss reviewing some documents, his third in command, Sam Wilson, reviewing the monitors for the casino. "Hey Boss!"

"Fowler.  How'd it go?" Andy never looked up from what he was reading.

"Smoothly.  The owner was ready for us."  He tossed the envelope on the desk.  "She was sweet but scared. Killer body. Amazing baker."  He put the box of treats down carefully.

"Good to know my tenants warn the new people."  Andy looked up at Nick with a smirk. "You have something," pointing to the side of Nick's mouth, a smear of chocolate on his lip.

"Shit, sorry boss."  He took out a napkin to wipe his face.

"Was that from the baker?" Andy looked at the box.

"Yeah, Miss. Thatcher. Sweet thing.  She gave them to me.  Said that if we liked them to send her customers.  By the way, I will.  She's that good."

"Hmm, red velvet. My favorite."  Andy plucked the cupcake out of the box and took a bite.  He couldn't help the moan that escaped his mouth.  "Fucking Christ, that's good."

"Told ya. Wilson, you have to try these."

The men munched on the treats as Andy put the money away.  "So, Miss Thatcher was amiable?"

"Very.  Wouldn't mind going back and visiting with her.  Get to know her... personally." Nick smirked at the thought.

"You will do no such thing Nick."  Andy frowned.  He had never met the girl, but he knew Rory's grandparents and was doing them a favor by charging such low rent. "She's innocent.  So just do your job and that's it."

A couple of months had passed, and the bakery was a hit on the block

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A couple of months had passed, and the bakery was a hit on the block.  The rate of growth left Rory happy but unsettled.  Nick has been back as promised, once a month to collect rent.  He could see the growth but didn't charge her more.  Every time he stopped by Rory had a box of treats for him, especially saving a couple of red velvet cupcakes after Nick mentioned that Mr. Barber liked them.

It was nearly closing time when the doorbell rang.  Rory looked up from her sweeping to see a gruff dark hair man enter with a lankier man.  She went to the register and smiled.  "May I help you?"

"I've come to collect the rent," he replied.  She paled.

"I'm sorry, M-Mr. Fowler already came by to pick it up.  I'm sorry."

The man leered at Rory.  "Stupid bitch," he growled. "This is my block."  He came around the counter. Rory froze as he stalked towards her. "Guess, you'll have to pay me another way."  He twirled a tendril that had fallen from her ponytail, the smile on his face sadistic.

Andy was in desperate need of caffeine. After wiping the blood from his bruised knuckles and taking care of the issue with the casino behind the antique store, he heard his stomach rumble. "Work" had left him tired and hungry.  He spotted the new little bakery and decided to visit and meet the Thatcher's granddaughter.  He walked across the street and peered in the window.  He watched as a young woman pushed Rumlow away from herself and Rumlow reach back and slap her, the force pushed her to the floor.  He raced into the shop. "The fuck do you think you're doing?"

Aurora (Andy Barber ~ Five Kings of Boston ~ Book  One)Where stories live. Discover now