Hey sweetie I'm glad you've made a friend! about Harper coming over though
I'll have to ask your dad if he's fine with it if thats ok? When's this project due?

                                                                                            Yes that's fine as the project isn't due till next week Monday, gotta go lunch love you bye                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Mom <3
Love you too sweetie enjoy the rest of school! Xx

-Back to y/n talking to Harper-

I'm 100% sure my dad will let Harper come over i hope... anyways I should tell her what mom said "My mom said she has to ask my dad first if that's ok?" "Yeah that's fine" "ok good" we reach the lunch line and I feel like a sandwich but I my heart is telling me to get a pizza so that's what I'm gunna do, once I get my pizza I get an apple then wait for Harper to get her lunch then we sit down. As we eat our pizza we just talk about the latest episodes of stranger things and what we think about it, we both agreed that there were some (not spoiling it just incase) deaths that were far from necessary but oh well...

The bell rings and we head to our final periods which is English, Harper says the teacher is really nice but the teacher might only be nice to her i don't trust teachers... anyways we get to English and sit down, the teacher is called Mr Thompson he seems cool i guess. We learn about Shakespeare which sounds boring and is ( in my opinion ) we then have to write poems about colours and any animal we like which was ok I mean we got to listen to music which I loved as music is my life, I was listening to Artic Monkeys I wanna be yours ( or any other band and song you want ) after class was over it was time to go home. Harper and I walked to our lockers to grab our books we needed to complete homework with and then we went our own ways.

I saw Moms car and hoped in "Hey sweetie how was your first day of school?" She asked with a big smile plastered on her face "it was great actually as I said Harper is really sweet she showed me around the school and we have class together! but besides that then school was boring" "classic teenagers only enjoying school for the friends" Mom says laughing "what's for dinner I'm hungry" I say whining "your always hungry, but dinner is spaghetti meatballs and salad with garlic bread" "yummm sounds delicious" the car ride home was just me talking about how much Harper and I had in common I almost felt bad for Mom as I was just blabbering things to her.

When we arrive home I dump all my things on the floor and run to find Dad to tell him all about my day "DAD WHERE ARE YOU " I yell "In my office squirt" "I have stuff to tell you" i opened the door to my Dads office and hugged him "so how was school was it as good as you thought?" "Kinda I made a friend called Harper, oh yeah about Harper we have a project to do together can she come over tomorrow or something like that as it's due next week pleaseeeee" "sure as long as you guys actually get work done" "thank you love you" "love you too and please shut the door thank you" "okkk" I leave his office and go grab my stuff as I head upstairs to start my homework, Who gives homework to your students on the first week of school it's crazy!

Lizzie pov:
I've been cooking dinner as Robbie is busy with Emails and y/n has homework which I think is crazy for your first day of school but oh well high school is like that. I was just about to set the table when y/n came running down the stairs " hey sweetie would you mind helping me set the table please then would you mind getting your day for me thank you" "ok sure no problem" we both set the table and then y/n goes to get Robbie as I put the food on the table. " yum this smells great honey" "thank you I hope it tastes as good as it smells" "I bet it does" "ok then let's actually eat the food rather than stare and smell at it foods meant to be eaten not started at" they chuckle as we sit down and tuck in "mmmm this is delicious thanks Mom" "no problem sweetie glad your enjoying it" I smiled back at her response.

After we finished dinner we all cleaned up our dishes and cleaned the table, we sat down on the couch and decided on watching a movie, Robbie and I are letting y/n choose or else she will get bored and leave as that's how she is, y/n being y/n chose a marvel movie she knows I hate watching myself on tv so she started laughing like a maniac, I mean that's what you get for being and actor. I cuddled up with Robbie and y/n snuggled into Robbie and I as we all watched the movie.

- after the movie finished-

It was 11pm when the movie finished and y/n needed to get ready for bed as she has school tomorrow "Y/n can you go up and get your stuff packed for school and go get ready for bed we'll come up and say goodnight when your ready in bed ok?" I said kissing her head "ok" she hugged Robbie and I then ran off.

Y/n pov:
I ran upstairs to get my stuff ready for school tomorrow as it was already late for a school night, on a weekend it would be fine to stay up later but I find it hard enough waking up after 12 hours of sleep so I better get to bed soon. I plug my phone in and AirPods so they're charged for school tomorrow, then I get my laptop and untangle the charger and also plug that in so it's also ready for tomorrow, I lay out my clothes for tomorrow and then grab my pjs and put them on. Once changed for bed I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, I then climb into bed and text Mom to say I'm ready to sleep. A few minutes later I hear a faint knock on the door "come in" I whisper shouted, Mom and Dad then walk in "night sweetie sleep well" Mom says while kissing my forehead "night squirt" Robbie says ruffling my hair "hey leave my hair alone" he continues to mess around with me until Mom has to step in to separate us "gosh it's like having two kids" she says laughing "hey I'm an adult as well don't forget that" Dad says pretending to be upset "right let's leave her alone to sleep she has school and we have work" "fine then" they both leave and shut the door, I get under the covers and close my eyes as I fall into my deep sleep.

I finally wrote something I had like no motivation to post ughhh anyways credits to @blvckwidow for helping me come up with the English teachers name
Hope y'all enjoy this love you all so much and don't forget eat, sleep and drink water 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

Word count:2123

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