Chapter 52

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Mel's POV

I wake up to someone shaking me. I groan and open my eyes. I see Kol there with his cheeky grin.

"What Kol? Why did you wake me up?"

"Because, love, this is our first stop." I look around and see that we are no longer in Mystic Falls anymore.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"We are in California." He shrugs. I look at him wide eyed and nod. I hear my phone in my pocket and I pull it out, answering without looking at the ID.


M- Hello?

D- Melanie. Where are you?

M- Somewhere you're not.

D- Tell me now Melanie.

M-Or what? Damon... Leave me alone.

D-I will find you Melanie.

M- Whatever Damon. Try all you want, you won't find me.

And with that I hang up and turn off my phone. I get out the car and see a huge mansion.

"Is this where we're staying?!" I ask astonished.

"Yeah. Hey. I have a question." He states turning to face me.

"Yeah. Sure. What's up?"

"You know I love you and you love me? Well, I was wondering if you wanted to become a vampire so we can be together forever."

"Yeah sure. But not now. Maybe in a week or 2." I reply.

"Err. Yeah. OK. Urmm. So... Errr... Let's go." He holds my hand and pulls me toward the house or mansion... What ever you want to call it. We walk in and I go straight to the kitchen. I make myself 4 cheese and bean toasties and eat them fast.

"Wow. Someone's hungry." Kol says from behind me.

"Well obviously." I turn towards him and he looks paler than usual.

"You ok Kol?" I ask concerned.

"Yeah I just haven't had any blood in the past 24 hours." He shrugs like it's not a big problem.

"You can feed off of me if you want." I reply.

"No. I don't want to hurt you." We argue back and forth when I just sigh, walking to the drawer with knives in and cut my wrist. I quickly turn to Kol and place my hand to his mouth.

"Drink." I demand. He starts drinking......

And drinking..........

And drinking.

"Kol! Stop! Stop!" I shout but he carries on. I hear a gun fire and Kol backs off me. He and I look at his stomach and I see a wooden bullet stuck in there. Another bullet flies his way but this time, it's in his leg. He goes onto one knee when his other leg is shot causing him to fall. He groans in pain and I turn towards the bullet firer person. I see a random stranger there.

"What are you doing?!" I shout at him.

"He was going to kill you!" He shouts back.

"No he wasn't! He was getting his energy back!" I yell back.

"Get in my car... NOW!" He shouts.

"No! I'm not leaving him!" I shout back. He is seriously annoying me.

"I know you're part werewolf and part witch. I know the full moon is tonight. So I suggest you get in my car NOW!" I growl and walk out knowing he is right. He can help right?

"I'm so sorry Kol. I'm so sorry." I whisper knowing he can hear me. A tear goes down my cheek and I start bawling.

"Has he compelled you?" The man asks once he gets in the driver's seat.

"No." I reply.

"Did you love him before today?" Why does he want to knpow?!

"No! But this morning I knew I loved him so I embraced my feelings!" I growl back.

"So he has compelled you?" He asks.

"NO!" I reply. He sighs and shakes his head. We carry on driving until another mansion comes into our view.
"Where are we?" I ask.
"We are going to be staying here."
"I am not staying with you!" I shout. Why am I shouting alot today. By the end of the day, I'll probably have no voice.
"Stop shouting. You need to stay here until we figure out what we are going to do with the vampire." He spits out the last word.
"That vampire is my boyfriend! Leave him alone!" I run out the car and head back to where Kol was. I'm so glad that I have photographic memory. After about 30 minutes of running, I finally reach the house. I run into the house looking for Kol. I see him still on the floor.
"Kol! Oh my God! Are you ok?" I ask frantically.
"Help. Get. The. Bullets. Out." He chokes out. I start pulling them out and his blood gets on my hand. I start feeling queasy so I breathe in and out. Once the last one is out, he smiles.
"Thanks Mel."
"You're welcome Kol." I smile back.
"Kol? You know you asked about me becoming a vampire?" I ask nervous.
"Well I don't want to be a vampire in a week, I want to be one now." He smiles widely and bites his wrist he holds it up and I take it to my mouth. I drink his blood and he pulls back. He kisses my forehead and puts his hands around my neck.
"You ready?" He asks.
"I was born ready." I smile back. I hear a snap and my world goes black.

The Blue Eyed GilbertOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz