Part II

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8 years later.

Chase is seen dropping off his daughter, Helena, to a Kindergarten in downtown Atlanta. Helena whispers to herself "Dad, please don't leave me" as Chase gets in the car and drives home.

Chase and Layla are simply cuddling in the lounge of their home while watching a movie. Of course a commercial interrupts the movie. It is a commercial for an upcoming rock concert in the Atlanta Stadium. It just so happens to be My Chemical Romance, which is Layla's favourite band. Chase simply smiles and pulls out his phone. To book tickets to see the band live.

Layla turns around to face Chase, burying her head in his chest before biting him, causing him to yelp and jump slightly which causes the two to start playfighting which ends with Layla on top of him, pinning his arms above his head. Moving in for a kiss which Chase doesn't resist. After a long kiss, Layla pulls away to allow her boyfriend to breathe. "y'know if you wanted to kiss me, you'd only have to ask" to which Layla shrugs off "yeah, but I prefer it when your under me, lover boy".

"we should probably be more careful," Chase says looking concerned at his girlfriend. "yeah, we do" Layla responds, resigning slightly. "well, we could do something tonight. I've heard that there is a new pier restaurant on the outskirts of the city, it would be my pleasure to take you there for a meal tonight". "well, I shall accept your kind offer". With this Layla gets off Chase and let's him walk out of the room, he walks upstairs into their bedroom where he locks the door.

"I don't know, how much longer I can keep doing this" he says to himself quietly as he sits down on the bed, thinking to himself, can he let go of his trauma and start life anew with Layla or will has past constantly haunt him?

In his moment of doubt, he gets a phone call from his best friend, Tom, Chase answers the phone.

Chase: "hey Tom, how are you?"

Tom: "hey bud, I'm doing well, thanks for asking, look, I'm gonna cut to the chase, we have a job going in the garage, if you're looking"

Chase: "I would buddy, but I already have a job, y'know being a software engineer, and all, by the way are you able to look after Helena for me tonight while I go out with Layla?"

Tom: "of course I can buddy, how's Layla doing?"

Chase: "funny. You should ask, she is just downstairs watching a movie, I think I'm going to propose to her tonight" his confidence shaking slightly and his voice quiting as he says it

Tom: "wow, you two have been dating now for 8 years, so it only makes sense, plus, she has liked you since you were kids, so I say go for it buddy. Only if I get to be best man though" Tom says before laughing

Chase: "I mean, obviously, who else. Me and you are basically like brothers, I'd want no one else other than you"

Tom: "aww, thanks buddy, I have got to go back to work, but listen to me buddy, you can do this, I believe in you. but call me soon alright bro, take care now" Tom says before ending the call.

Chase gets changed into quite a casual outfit, with a jacket with long tassels. Which he plays with quite often while looking at himself in the mirror. Before deciding to shave his beard away. Now with a clean shaven face, Chase returns downstairs as Layla waits for him in the hallway.

Layla hugs Chase as she buries her head in his chest, "wow, you look so handsome right now. It's kind of intoxicating, not gonna lie". Before letting him go and running up the stairs to get changed.

Chase stays downstairs to play on the Xbox while Layla goes to get changed into a casual outfit too. We see Layla upstairs as she opens her bedside drawer to show a positive pregnancy test, she sits down on the bed as tears start to form in her eyes. "How am I supposed to tell Chase about this?" she says to herself. She knows the tight financial position her family is in, without yet another mouth to feed. Layla stands up now dressed in her outfit which consists of blue jeans, black top and a blue jacket. She goes downstairs and sits next to Chase as they play a game on the Xbox for the next few hours.

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