Pure Intoxication

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In the gothic learning institution perched on the rocky high-rise known as the Academy of the Fantastical Mystics, every day was never usual. That is because this school teaches the arcane arts in an area where many surprises occur on a regular basis.

And this particular day was no different.

Inside these hallowed halls, students sit tentatively on worn oblong tables, each fit for precisely three children. One specific child is an eleven-year-old with brown hair and black eyes. She already stands apart from the others due to her long cowlick curled in the middle that she inherited once her parents were killed, her hand-me-down clothing from the Innsmouth Institution, and that she was sent here against her will despite her hatred of the very magic that made her an orphan.

She's also happen to be the Chosen One, but that isn't important to this particular day.

What is important that the school's acting headmaster, the teacher who once worked in the Academy during its glory days, has a surprise in store for the young minds to make up for their potions teacher's absence.

Reason for said absence?

He was nowhere in sight. Whether it should be taken literally or not in this context is entirely up to you.

As for the context on how the students see Henrietta Hazelnut, she appeared to them like a green turnip that's been plucked from the ground too late. Her chin spread past her upper jaw, her nose is long and sharp, and when you saw the tightness of her mouth and the thin sour line of her puckered lips, then you come to the conclusion that this was a mouth that never smiled.

It didn't help the students' perception that she was dressed from faded Edwardian fashion from top to bottom, appearing to be just as ancient as they feared.

Nevertheless, she treated the students with respect. While she isn't cruel and malicious, she's still not one to mess with, especially on this particular day.

Once she approached the front of the class still perched in their tables, the somewhat-battleworn head spoke, "Good afternoon, students."

"Good afternoon, Miss Hazelnut," all but the brown-haired girl responded.

She gave a slight glare at the supposed Chosen One.

However, Miss Hazelnut already used to her indifference that she chose to ignore it, "I'm certain you all heard what happened to Mister Spectra, but that doesn't mean potions class will be cancelled for the foreseeable future."

A couple of the students let their disappointment show from their faces. The brown-haired girl couldn't care less.

"In fact, we've been fortunate enough to invite a substitute who agreed to come over without delay," Miss Hazelnut continued. "He's the founder of Kranka Goods, which you all familiar with their assorted six-pack of sodas."

Some of the students' eyes then lit up in wonder. The brown-haired girl couldn't care less.

"So, please welcome Mister Killiam Kranka," Miss Hazelnut then went off to let this esteemed man take over, but once she made it to the corner, she noticed that the man was nowhere in sight either. She looked around nervously at any sign of him. Perhaps he lost himself in the halls and Bert's giving him directions to Room 212.

It wouldn't be hard to find the potions classroom, only one out of the four floors in the Academy have classrooms coupled with the students' dorm rooms.

"Well?" the brown-haired girl piped in. "Where is he?"

"Impatient much, Miss Jinjur?" she scowled at her. "I'm sure he took a brief de..."

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