inspirational quotes

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All Time: a Boost of Motivation

Inspirational quotes have been all the range for some time now. But do they really work? Whether it’s a sentiment that echoes how you try to live your life or just the right words at the right time, motivational quotes can have a dramatic influence on your mood and drive to succeed.
The way you think and feel about yourself, your goals and expectations for the future, and how you interact with the world around you can all have a massive effect on your success (or failure). That’s why you see so many famous quotes about life, love, and success repeated time and time again.
Below, we’re going to look at 130 of the best quotes of all time. These memorable quotes are from a plethora of sources, from famous historical figures to poets, celebrities, and more.
No matter what’s going on in your life right now, we’re sure these classic quotes will have you feeling inspired, motivated, and understood; so you can take your next steps to success.

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