"This is my house and I want you gone now before anyone else sees you." Brax stood tall against his father; he was not going to allow this man to bully him like he once had. He was the man of the house and this was his house. He sincerely hoped that Danny would take the hint and leave before Casey and Summer got home.

"You still have an issue with respecting your elders don't you Darryl." Danny said dangerously with clenched fists but Brax was not going to let him intimidate him as he stared straight back into Danny's eyes.

"I said leave." Brax snarled, he had his eyes fixed on Danny but he could see a frantic looking Heath in his peripheral vision. As much as Heath had been visiting Danny, it did not mean that he wanted him to turn up like this; he did not want him in his life. Heath could feel himself shaking slightly, when he had visited Danny in prison there had been the security of the guards but now what?

Just then, Brax's prayers had been ignored as Casey and Summer arrived home. Casey was teasing Summer about how she liked jet when they both came to a sudden halt in the doorway.

"Dad?" In that moment Casey sounded the same as it had in Summer's memories; a scared 6 year old.

"Casey." Danny greeted as he turned around to face him, but as soon as his eyes landed on Summer, a malicious grin took over his expression. "Well hello there princess."
Summer recoiled in fear, she may not have remembered much from her childhood but she knew this man. So many questions were running through her head; why was he here? What did he want? Why had her brothers let him into their house? She could feel herself starting to panic and her eyes darted to Brax hoping that he would see her distress.

"Now where have they been hiding you all these years?" Danny said moving closer to Summer to try and embrace her, luckily Brax moved quicker than Danny and managed to intercept.

"Stay away from her." Brax threw his arms backwards and pushed Summer so that she was completely behind him.

"I should have known you would step in. Always so gallant aren't you? I bet it was your idea to hide her?" Danny snarled.

"Yes." Brax said defiantly, "And I'll do everything above and beyond my power to keep her safe."

Summer was shaking behind her brother; she knew she should feel safer with him protecting her but at the moment she was struggling to hold it together. She closed her eyes as she was hit with an intense wave of emotion. She had very little memories from her childhood, whether she was too young or she had blocked it out, she didn't know. But just a few minutes in Danny's presence had caused her to nearly double over with the intensity of the flashbacks. Summer felt the hurt all over again as if it was happening to her at that very second.
Casey looked between Danny, Brax and Summer, but his attention was fixed on his sister. He couldn't believe how much just seeing him had affected her, he instantly felt guilty due to his own inadequate memories; maybe Danny hadn't targeted him? "I won't ask you again." Brax snarled, rotating himself and Summer around to make a path for Danny to leave, but protecting her at all time.

"You were always her hero, but she's a big girl now." Danny winked at Summer. "I'll see you soon." He called as he walked out laughing.

"Whoa!" Heath cried as he leapt forward and caught Summer her knees buckled. Heath guided the pair of them safely down to the ground, had he been a second later she would have injured herself.

"Sum!"Brax spun around and crouched down the where Heath was cradling her. "Open your eyes for me sweets." Brax tapped lightly on her cheek but he wasn't getting a response, and I he was just about to check that she was breathing when he heard her moan.

"Hey kiddo, come on. Open your eyes." Heath said to her with urgency in his voice. He was only met by pain filled moans, which were starting to escalate into thrashing against Heath's arms.

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