Chapter 4: that haori...

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Sabito Pov:

"Good morning. What brings you here?" I greeted the little butterfly and motioned for her to come inside.

She didn't say anything but entered anyways and sat down on the couch, placing a bag next to her.

I was happy to see that she finally made her own decisions.

Kanao hesitated before explaining what had actually happened when I fell into the pond.


"Wait wait wait! So you're telling me some random guy pulled me out of the pond and gave you this haori to give to me?!"



We were silent for a while.

"...Can I...see it?" I asked

She nodded and pulled a bundle out of the bag.

It was red.

'It can't be' I thought and unfolded it agonizingly slowly.



This wasn't real. No. It couldn't be. He was- No!

I kept my calm and thanked her.

After she left, I just broke down and cried.

'Was he really alive? Could I really get my firefly back? Why am I crying so much recently?!'


'No.' I realized.

'No, he's gone.'

It's obvious, why would there only be one red haori in the world?

'But it feels like it's his...'

No. He was dead and there was nothing I could do about that...

Timeskip brought to you by my tea-can, Tammy

3rd Person Pov:

"Why did I even get my hopes up?! GIYUU IS DEAD! He... he's gone. He's gone because of me and there's nothing I can change about that..."

Uzui was silent as his friend let himself sink to the floor in frustration and grief.

"Maybe it is him. Why else would he have given the girl that haori?"

When Sabito had arrived at his doorstep that morning, this really wasn't what he had expected.

The sound hashira decided that he would comfort his friend at all costs!


Now they were both sitting on the couch, Sabito looking dead inside and Uzui awkwardly patting his back.

Turns out, he isn't very good at comforting people.

Uzui's Pov:

"Tengen, we're home!"

'Oh thank god! Wives to the rescue' I thought, relieved.

In entered my beautiful wives Makio, Suma and Hinatsuru.

Hina was the first one to notice us.

"What happened?" She asked gently, sitting down beside Sabito.

Makio said she'd make a tea, while Suma got emotional and almost squeezed Sabito to death, hearing the story. Cute.


Ok why are they so good at comforting?! They shall teach me the ✨skills✨

Timeskip brought to you by my tea addiction. It's starting to get slightly concerning. Why tf do I own 27 fucking sorts of tea?!

Sabito Pov:

I was feeling better already.

I spent the night at their house, drinking some nice cherry blossom tea.

Tengen was talking about something, I couldn't quite focus on what.

"I just miss him so much..." I whispered .

He stopped mid talk.

After what felt like hours but couldn't have been more than a few seconds, my good friend walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Hey. I know it's hard but you have to get over him. You can't spend your whole life grieving and we both know that."

"I'm trying! And it was going great (uh, no it was not, hun-) but then the red haori just HAD to appear! His red haori! I-"

I registered him wrapping his arms around me before breaking down again.

God, is this embarrassing...


"You good now?"



"Good. Cause this sappy thing is bringing my vibe down. Let's go and get some food!"

I laughed and we spent the rest of the night stealing food from the kitchen and then getting scolded by Makio.

Ah yes. The fun times before shit hit the fan...


I hope I did the wives justice, I wanted to include them but I'm afraid I didn't get their characters right TwT

ANYGAYS sorry that it took so long, went through an identical crisis, a few panic attacks and surviving on energy drinks, an oreo and fanfics, thus not getting enough sleep, therefore not being able to function enough to write properly. How's your life going? My messages are always open if you want to talk. Make sure to eat enough, oh and happy Halloween!


Today's question: if you were a tree, which one would you be? (That rhymed, hehe (see what I did there?(Oh god I'm a fucking child))

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