Chapter 1

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You walked with a brisk rhythm down the long streets of New York. You had somewhere to be as soon as you possibly could. Your three best friends and your brother had just been to space. But, of course, something went wrong. A giant radioactive storm hit them while they were in the Von Doom Space Station. You had no idea if they were okay or not. This made you rush through the crowds even faster. 

Upon reaching the quarantine unit of the grey hospital, you rush to see your brother, Reed Richards. When he wasn't in his assigned room, you quickly left the room, wondering if he went to see Sue. You knew he had a crush on her for a while, ever since you became her best friend and introduced her to Reed, knowing they worked in the same building. Making your way down the halls of the large unit, seeing the doctors and some patients, you looked to see if Reed could have been in the crowd. Walking into Sue's room, she was still sleeping so you didn't want to wake her. You did, however, notice all the flowers of different kinds all around the room, covering it. Reed was definitely there. The next person to ask, the one you didn't want to ask, Johnny Storm, the flirt.

You wandered out of Sue's room, walking slowly down the hall to where Johnny's room. You stopped in the doorway a moment, seeing the brown-haired man sitting on his bed. He wore a red, skintight one-piece. Johnny extended one hand and waved it around a little, a thermometer in his hand. You rolled your eyes and walked over, seeing Johnny smirk. You had known Johnny for a while, Johnny being Sue's little brother. You had known him enough to be able to know his tricks, and for him to know that you were a nurse for a while before you quit as you had to travel a lot for family stuff. Johnny's smirk grew wider when you snatched the thermometer from his hand. After measuring the reading of his temperature and gasped, looking at Johnny with his smirk still on his face.

"You're hot," you tell him, setting the meter on the side of the large bed,"Really hot."

"Why thank you. You are as well." Johnny replies, smirking again and pulling you against him, standing up.

You push away and say with a straight face, which is supposed to be a clue to Johnny to back off, "I'm not here for you or your flirting, Johnny. Are you sure you aren't feeling strange?"

"Yea, I feel normal,"Johnny replies, shrugging his broad shoulders.

"Oh, before I forget, have you seen Reed?"

"Yea, I was gonna go skiing while Sue, Ben and Reed have lunch or whatever," Johnny says, " want to join me?"

"Uh...sure?" you say, hesitant.

Johnny perks up, excited and grabs your arm, dragging you out of the room, "Let's go!"

"Gah! Johnny!"You gasp, tripping as Johnny pulls on your arm with force, out of the room.

Johnny drags you all the way outside, where a helicopter was waiting. He helped you get your gear on, and he got on his. You had never been skiing before, but you thought it might be fun. Johnny then led you back to the helicopter, helping you get in. You stopped him, as you are an independent person. He shrugged and got in, motioning to the pilot to take off. The helicopter flew up and you gripped onto something close to you, feeling a little scared of heights at the moment. When you realized what you grabbed, you pulled back quickly, blushing slightly. You grabbed Johnny's arm. Johnny smirked. 

A few minutes of silence and the helicopter stopped, hovering over the snowy mountain. You sat on the edge of the helicopter and jumped off. You were surprised, you weren't that bad. You felt like you floated down the mountain on the cold and white snow. Johnny followed behind you.

"You're losing!" You shout behind you as Johnny catches up.

"Not for long!"Johnny replies with a laugh, speeding ahead of you and off a ramp.

"Johnny, watch out!"

He jumped off the ramp, losing one ski. He soon lost the other one, as he fell. You gasped. Johnny was engulfed in flames and flew a few feet. You quickly skied down to where you saw him land. A large hole in the white snow was there. You skid to a stop in front of it, looking down. Johnny sat in the hole, which had a little puddle of steaming water. His clothes...well, they seemed to be nowhere.

"Care to join me?" He asked. You released a small laugh at his question.

You handed Johnny your pink jacket, giving him some sort of clothing to cover himself. You walk back to the cafe in silence, trying to figure out why he had been totally engulfed in flames earlier. He didn't have a single burn on him, either! When you did arrive to the cafe, you tried to stop Johnny, as he was freaking out and wanted to tell the others, excited. You noticed Reed and Sue were having one of those "moments" and you didn't want him to ruin it. Johnny didn't listen, however, and went barging towards them, holding the pink jacket up and yelling.

When they saw him, the turned and Johnny stopped. You walked towards him. "I can explain," he said.


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