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i got to the cafeteria and there he was. honestly i dont know why but he made me feel really nervous, i walked up to the table and sat down in front of him.
we started talking and i found him very mysterious, it was hard to read his expressions, to know what he was thinking, he seems to keep many secrets and that draw me more into him.

i watched him closely, every move he made had my eyes on him.
there was something about him that made me want to know him more. i was deeply lost in my thoughts when he broke the silence.

"oh yes i brought your jacket". he reached the bag that was on the floor and gave it to me. "thank you" i smiled.
i took it out of the bag, the jacket smelled like lilies, my favorite flowers.
i gave it a little sniff and i was reminded of my childhood. i closed my eyes for a second.
when i opened them i was surprised to see  he was looking at me.
"what?" i said tilting my head.
"nothing i was just admiring how much you missed that jacket and its only been a few hours"- he said playing with the straw.
"by the way, thats a beautiful necklace you got there" he said leaning in and placing his elbows on his knees.
"oh thank you, its a gift from my mom. my grandma passed it down to her and then she have it to me a couple of years ago". i said taking the little golden piece between my fingers.
"well its beautiful" he smiled.


i spent most of the afternoon watching tv. i felt angry and my mood definetly dropped after seeing that stupid Ji Changmin.
after such a long time i just cant wait to take my revenge and see him suffer was my only goal.

i couldn't stop replaying that day in my head.


i had just turned 16 and my dad took me with him to my first ever mafia meeting. being able to take on after my dad's steps made me excited just to think about it.
we got to the meeting and there was yn's dad, everything was going smoothly even though i was really nervous. suddenly yn's dad started explaining the last part of the missions the other boys and i were going to be taking over and that's when my heart sank.
yn was on the screen. "sir, how is your daughter involved in this? i thought she didn't know the type of world you actually live in"- said one of his men.

"and she doesn't, but she is the reason why this gang will try to destroy me, you and everyone around us."

-no, how could she be the reason why someone would hurt us? she couldn't even harm a fly- i thought.

"the boyz will try to get a hold of this necklace" said Mr. Ahn pointing at his daughter's neck. "and after they do so, they'll come for all of us." he paused sitting on his chair.
"that necklace contains the recipe of a toxic poison, it is encrypted of course, but they have excellent hacking skills. if they ever get to that necklace we're all done for. they will make sure they use it against us and they won't back down"

-i get it now-

"sir.." i said with shaky voice. all eyes were on me now and that made me kinda nervous. "yes chan". i gulped nervous. "what can we do to prevent that?" i asked pointing at all the boys sitting around me.
"protect her."
"but how can we do that? we're still kids..." said Han.
"no worries, our most trusted men will train you until you gain the abilities and knowledge to fight your enemies. using grenades, nunchucks, guns, knives and even your bare hands."

all of us looked at each other rather scared but with a sparkle of excitment in our eyes.
i knew this was going to be dangerous but i won't let anyone get near her.


i needed to shake this thoughts off my head and went out for a run. i got ready and left as fast as i could, the fresh air hit my cheeks as soon as i ran out the door.
i didn't really know where i was headed to, i just ran until i felt tired.
i stopped by a convenience store to buy some water.
after paying i left the shop, i thought of going back home but i stopped on my tracks when i saw yn at the cafe across the street, she was with a boy.
my heart started beating faster, feeling like it could stop beating any moment now. i don't know why but seeing her laughing with other boys always made me feel in some type of way, like a bucket of cold water got dumped on my back.

i started walking to the cafe, saying hi wouldn't hurt anybody.
i was almost there when that boy looked out of the window and saw me, standing there.
i dropped the water. i made eye contact with him. Ji fucking Changmin.
he smirked at me and my only thought was to go in there and beat the shit out of that motherfucker.

i left running, again, because that's what i do best, i run away when i don't want to face my problems. i need to get out of here, i need to think and be alone right now. suddenly i got a call, Lee Know has been sending messages for the past 20 minutes and was getting worried, i answer the phone.

"they found her" i let out in one breath.

NEMESIS • the boyz - stray kidsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu