Part 2

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#### 21

A leaf dancing in the wind,
Giving the air the touch of freshly cut mint.
While a bird is singing his lovely song,
Jumping around for there is nothing wrong.
A world so innocent and sweet,
A place where souls are free to meet.
Paradise hidden before your eyes.
Right behind your own lies.

#### 22

Mist dances by the sea,
Dressing the world in mysterious harmony.
A birds song breaks through the silence,
In a pure act of defiance.
As all is still asleep.
Dreaming about all that we carry in deep.
A new day is born in this peaceful hour
While the sun kisses the first flower

#### 23

Two drinks left in plain sight.
One dark, one light.
Bitter smell covers the air around one,
While sweet berries point to the other being fun.
Choices have to be made,
Lives fees are waiting to be paid.
A wrong move can change it all,
Pushing one into an endless fall.

#### 24

I choose the long path tonight,
The one covered in the absence of light.
Every step strips my sight away,
Leaving me to think about what may.
Still I push on,
Hoping for the relieving kiss of dawn.

#### 25

Broken a thousand times
We find ourself paying for old crimes.
The past is coming to haunt us at night,
Stripping away all that we hold tight.
The horrors follow us into the light of day,
Turning us into helpless prey.
Pushing us to the edge,
Forcing life to step on the ledge.
We start to see the light at the end,
Our wounds left open with no one to mend.
When the dawn drives the night away.
We see the world is still a place to stay.

#### 26

Every risk we take,
Every step we make.
They all begin at the same place,
One we are dreading to face.
For when we do something new,
We might get lost in a few.
Only we are to blame,
When we stop searching for a place free of shame.

#### 27

There where lost souls meet
And darkness has taken a seat.
A place at the edge of our mind,
Where happiness is hard to find.
It is a place we visit from time to time,
silently watching the sad mime.
Until the moment we open our eyes
And realise that all we have been feed is lies.

#### 28

Each breath takes a small toll
Leaving with a piece of your soul.
Disappearing into thick air,
Dragging your mind into despair
Behind stays nothing but an empty shell
Pushed down an endless well.
When nothing is left but a single breath
You open your eyes to the face of death.
As you are ready to walk the last mile
Remembering all with a deep smile.

#### 29

Words left unspoken
Silence that is never broken
Pushing down all we feel.
Always thinking about our last meal.
With no chance to win,
Committing to a life of needless sin.
Until the day we become fully broken
And words cant stay unspoken.

#### 30
Broken apart,
With a knife next to the heart.
Waiting for a simple text,
From the drunk ex.
Hate fuelled desire,
Setting the world on fire.
Craving solitary pain,
Barely staying sane.
How long we can hold on,
Until all of our soul is gone.

#### 31

Forcing all the things we do,
Forgetting all that is true.
Pushing away our own sadness,
Replacing it with someone else's madness.
Taking in as much as we can,
Waiting until we are hit by a van,
Watching the sky turn red,
Thinking about the pain we spread.

#### 32

Offering a helping hand,
As nothing more than a friend.
Taking on someone else's pain,
With not a single thing to gain.
Longing for the day that some else will see,
The pain that is hidden in me.

#### 33

A line drawn into the snow,
Carved into the world by tales of woe.
Fog covers all the eye can see,
Wondering if the other side contains still me.
Pondering questions about the nature of hearts.
Is this the moment where it all starts?
Or just another poisonous rain,
Waiting to coat me in endless pain.
Time forces my hand,
Pushing me to discover new land.

#### 34

Years since we last kissed,
The pain is hardly dismissed.
Remembering the night we met,
Watching the sun set.
Fighting in French,
Whilst sitting on a lonely bench.
Bound to a moment together,
Making each others lives better.
Pretending to be annoyed,
By the company we enjoyed.

#### 35

Another empty glass,
Helps days to pass.
Mixed with tears,
Distorting all fears.
Hidden in plain sight,
Dreaming about what might.
Drowning in sorrow,
So there are a couple days left to borrow.

#### 36

Hidden behind the smiling mask,
Billion questions no one will ask.
A soul barely holding together,
And all she cares about is the weather.
Nobody will know,
The silent tales of woe.

#### 37

It has been awhile,
Since you saw such a smile.
One to brighten up every room,
Sending all bad feelings to its doom.
Accompanied by an angels voice,
The mind won't give you any choice.
Releasing all you fear,
Knowing you will hold that memory dear.

#### 38

Not knowing the person I want to be,
Just one buried under layers of apathy.
Nothing more than an empty shell
waiting to be saved by the bell.
The world desperately trying to pull me out,
To experience the beauty without any doubt.
All that is left is to let go,
And take what the world is ready to bestow.

#### 40

Dancing of fresh fallen snow,
I do not know where we will go.
As we embark on a new quest,
Following the path out west.
Heading into the darkness,
Leaving behind all the sadness.
Till we find all we had hoped for
And our love made it into folklore.

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