"What? They told you?" "Yeah. Did they not tell you?" "No."

Except for Loki and Thor, everyone else looked at each other awkwardly.

"I mean, they did, eventually."

Loki snorted. As if that confrontation with Odin counted as telling him the truth.

"Tell me about your mother," Loki asked.

"Don't both of them have the same mother?" asked Wanda.

"I barely remember her. Just blips of a dream at this point."

Thor's heart dropped. "So, Sylvie doesn't remember me?" he whispered to Loki in a broken voice.

Loki's face crumpled. He couldn't imagine a Loki not having a Thor as a brother.

"Do you think she even had a Thor for a brother?" Thor asked.

"I'm sure Sylvie had a Thor," Loki reassured him.

"Has," Thor corrected. "Sylvie's my sister. She has me even though she doesn't have her Thor anymore."

Loki explained that Frigga would do little bits of magic for him when he was young, like turning a flower into a frog or casting fireworks over the water.

Loki had a watery smile. He missed his mother every day.

"It all seemed impossible. She told me that I'd be able to do it too because...Because I could do anything."

Tears brimmed Thor and Loki's eyes while everyone else looked at them sympathetically. All of them had seen how Frigga's death had affected the brothers.

Sylvie had a painful look in her eyes. TVA Loki opened his palm and created small fireworks.

Loki created small fireworks in his palm too.

"Mum used to create those fireworks to make us go to sleep, remember?" Thor said while wiping the tears from his eyes.

Loki had a slight smile on his face. "She did. I loved them."

Sylvie sniffed and said it wasn't bad.

Everyone looked at Sylvie sadly as they saw she was putting up walls around herself.

Loki stopped the illusion. "She was the kinda person you'd want to believe in you."

Peter smiled softly. "Sort of reminds me of May. I don't know what I would do if I lost her."

"Sounds like she does." "Well, she did."

Tears stung in Thor and Loki's eyes at the reminder.

Loki asked Sylvie how she learned to do her magic. Sylvie said she taught herself.

Loki and Stephen raised an eyebrow.

"That's quite impressive," Loki said against his will.

Thor beamed. His sister was amazing!

"Wow." Wanda's eyes were wide, "Sylvie's incredible!" Her variant was teaching herself magic by reading the Darkhold, but it didn't look that would end well. She admired Sylvie for successfully teaching herself magic.

"Sylvie's definitely the superior Loki," said Stephen.

"Hey!" Loki protested.

"I bet Sylvie wouldn't have fallen for thirty minutes," Thor teased.

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