7. Vormir, 2014

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In Sanctuary II, 2014 Nebula threw 2023 Nebula down as 2023 Nebula told Gamora she could stop this as she wanted to. She asked if Gamora knew what Thanos did to her to get the Soul Stone.

Gamora winced, and Quill clenched his fists.

2014 Nebula shut her up by kicking her down, saying she disgusted her.

"You disgust me," snarled Nebula.

2014 Nebula then said 2023 Nebula wasn't useless as she took out her knife and cut off some armour plating. She then walked to Thanos on his throne, asking how she looked as she held out the Pym Particle for him.

"NO!" yelled Peter, Gamora, Tony, and Rhodey.

"Thanos is coming to 2023, isn't he?" groaned Thor. "Now we have to fight him again."

Natasha and Clint arrived at Vormir.

Everyone sucked in a breath and sent Natasha and Clint fearful looks. Clint and Natasha were deathly pale.

Clint said it would be awesome under different circumstances. They trekked through Vormir as Natasha complained the raccoon wouldn't have to climb a mountain. Clint said he wasn't a raccoon technically, and she countered by saying he ate garbage.

"I don't eat garbage!" cried Rocket. "And I'm not a raccoon!"

Then the Red Skull appeared, announcing, "Welcome. Natasha, Daughter of Ivan. Clint, Son of Edith." They took their weapons out in defence.

Steve and Bucky scowled at the sight of the Red Skull.

"Ivan?" Natasha said, lost for words. "I never knew his name." She knew what happened to her mother— Dreykov had her killed, but Melina never told her what happened to her father.

Schmidt said he was their guide for the Soul Stone. Natasha said he could tell them where it was, and they'd be on their way.

Everyone's face crumpled. Only one of them would leave Vormir.

He revealed his face, saying if only it were that easy.

"A soul for a soul," whispered Wanda, slowly placing a hand over her mouth.

"What you seek lies in front of you...as does what you fear." Schmidt said as he led them to the cliff, "The Stone is down there. For one of you. For the other..."

Everyone's heart twisted.

He trailed off as Natasha and Clint realized what he was saying, "In order to take the Stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul, for a soul."

"Nat, you have to let me do it," Clint begged.

Natasha looked at Clint as if he was insane. "You're crazy if you think I'm going to let you do it."

Natasha was sitting down later as Clint sarcastically waved to Schmidt. He told Natasha Schmidt was making this shit up, but she said he was right.

"I wish he was," said Steve with a clenched jaw.

Clint asked if it was because he knew her daddy's name, but she said she didn't know it either.

Everyone was frozen, dreading what was going to come next.

Natasha remembered Thanos had left with the Soul Stone but not Gamora, which couldn't be a coincidence.

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