6. Asgard, 2013 & New Jersey, 1970

Start from the beginning

"So, no pressure," Bruce said nervously.

In Sanctuary II, Ebony Maw accessed Nebula's memory drives after Thanos put a machine on her head.

Everyone clenched their jaw and glared at Thanos at seeing he was doing to 2014 Nebula.

Maw said her memory drive was entangled with another and was sharing consciousness with another network.

Nebula slightly flinched.

Thanos realized there was another Nebula, and Maw said the duplicate carried a timestamp from nine years in the future. Thanos asked where the other Nebula was, and Maw said in their Solar System in Morag.

Everyone groaned.

Rhodey threw his hands in the air. "Great, now Thanos knows where Nebula and I am!"

Thanos asked to access her, and Maw did, searching the duplicate's memories for Infinity Stones on Thanos' orders.

Everyone paled. Thanos would see everything.

They saw a holographic memory of the Avengers discussing their time heist.

"Fuck! Thanos found out about the Time Heist!" said Quill.

Gamora recognized them as Terrans. "Avengers," Thanos growled.

The Avengers paled.

"He knows who we are?" Clint said in a strangled voice. "Not just Tony?"

"Unruly wretches."

"We're unruly wretches?" sneered Tony.

Then Thanos noticed a reflection and made Maw amplify it, finding 2023 Nebula.

Nebula paled and Gamora sent her a worried look.

Gamora was shocked there were two Nebulas, but Thanos said it was the same one from two different timelines. He asked to plot a course to Morag and scan the duplicate's memories as he needed to see everything.

"Damn it!" everyone yelled.

"Both of you need to get the Power Stone and come back to 2023 as soon as possible," Steve said to Nebula and Rhodey, who nodded.

In 2013 Asgard, Frigga sent her maidens away and sensed a presence.

Loki and Thor froze at the sight of Frigga.

2023 Thor was hidden nearby behind a column when he turned to see her and screamed while she screamed too, before saying Thor should leave the sneaking to his brother.

"You should. You're awful at it," Loki crackled a small smile, "You're always bumbling around like a baby bilgesnipe."

Thor rolled his eyes.

Thor said he was going for a walk as she noted what he was wearing. Thor lied, and said it was his favourite.

"You're so bad at lying, Thor," said Clint.

Frigga noticed the cybernetic eye, and Thor reminded her of being hit on the face with a broadsword during the Battle of Harokin.

Loki snorted. "She's not stupid, brother."

"You're not the Thor I know at all, are you?" Frigga asked. Thor lied he was when she said the future hadn't been kind to him.

Thor's face crumpled, and he weakly said, "No, it hasn't."

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