Book 1 - Infinity War | 1. Space stone

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Bruce looked sheepish. "Uh, yeah."

The Avengers looked at Bruce in shock before looking at the other group.

"Who are you guys?" asked Sam.

"We're the Guardians of Galaxy; who the hell are you guys?" said the human man.

Tony started to say that they were the Avengers before he was interrupted by Loki.

"Thor, they're daughters of Thanos!"

"Whoa, as in the same Thanos the note said?" said Peter.

"We're not his daughters, Asgardian!" growled the blue lady, bringing out a knife. "You were the one working for him before."

"Loki, what did you do?" growled Clint.

Loki scoffed. "I did what I had to do!"

"Let's all calm down," said Steve. "We got a note saying that Thanos is coming, and we need to join forces with ourselves and new allies."

Nebula and Gamora looked at each other.

"Alright, we'll listen." Said Gamora.

"Well, this isn't the weirdest thing that has happened today," said the raccoon.

The Avengers looked at the raccoon, baffled. "Did the raccoon just speak?" asked Pepper, taken aback.

Rocket growled, "I'm not a raccoon!" Quill snickered.

The Avengers were speechless. Aliens were real; magic was real, sure; a talking raccoon wasn't the strangest thing that was possible.

Quill was carefully looking at Steve. "You look like Captain America."

Everyone from Earth looked at Quill, baffled. "How do you know who Captain America is?" asked Sam incredulously.

"I'm from Earth. My grandmother said she met him once."

Steve blinked in surprise. "What?"

"Yeah, at one of your dancing things. She told us all about it." Steve turned a funny shade of pink as Bucky snickered. He knew exactly where Steve met Quill's grandmother.

Tony turned to the unfamiliar man and started to ask him who he was before Loki interrupted Tony again.

"Second-rate sorcerer!" growled Loki, angrily glaring at Strange.

Strange rolled his eyes. "Let's just watch this."

Everyone took their seats, preparing themselves for what they were about to see. Tony firmly put Peter into the seat next to him, putting himself between Peter and everyone else. He also made sure they, along with Pepper and Rhodey, were far away from Rogers and Barnes.

Voices were heard calling out, saying the Asgardian refugee vessel called the Statesman was under assault. They requested aid from any vessel in range as their crew was made up of Asgardian families with very few soldiers.

Thor and Loki tensed at the Sanctuary II attacking the Statesman.

"Asgardian refugee vessel?" asked Steve, confused. "Thor, what happened to Asgard?"

"My sister destroyed it."

"Your sister?!" exclaimed several voices.

"So, you have an evil sister and an evil brother?" said Clint, giving Loki a dirty look.

Loki rolled his eyes.

"Before my father died, he told me he imprisoned Hela and would be released when he died. Then Hela arrived, destroyed my hammer—,"

fiction | Part of the journey is the endNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ