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I love studying. okay no that's a lie. I hate studying. But why is that my only hobby to do? I don't read books, I don't play games, I don't do sports. I just study, study and ...


wow, my life sucks so much. 

I stared at my open textbook and solved the math equation in my head. I wrote it down on the paper and continued, doing the same thing over and over again. "Hey, eat this." My friend since first year, Myeong Iseul. She would always let me know when its time for break so I won't stay in the classroom and follow her out because if she did go out alone it would be like "I need someone to accompany me while I go buy my food and I can help you buy it too" to her when clearly to me its "I will look like a loner and people will think Im friendless" but eitherway, I need a break from studying from time to time because what else do I do? nothing. 

Iseul just stared at me writing down equations. I can feel the stare burning into the back of my head. I heard her sigh before she grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the class, and I know that there would be a random line drawn at the end of my halfway done answer when I come back. She dragged me to the cafeteria and queued in line for the food while I just stood beside her. 

"you oughta stop skipping break and come for lunch. It's not good for your health." Iseul said and I gave her a side eye. "I do eat, just not a full meal." I mumbled the last part and she grabbed two trays, one for me and one for her. when it was our turn, someone dashed past me and spilled their drink all over me. 

Everyone heard me gasp and they gasped too. wow, thanks for the extra effect. 

The boy that spilled the drink turned back and bowed down profusely. I couldn't even be bothered to stop him from embarassing himself , If Iseul didn't drag me and I could have finished my equation, none of this would have happened. See, there's always the what if's situations that I think about. 

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have ran with a drink in the first place. That was super dangerous." I irked at the choice of words he used. 

"firstly, instead of saying 'super dangerous' use reckless, wrong choice of words. Just what did you learn in english class? Secondly, yes that was very careless of you. Is this your first time spilling drink on someone? because if it isn't, you should learn some patience? I don't even know why you were running in the first place, I have to prepare for my upcoming test later. Did you know? no. Because people like you don't care ab-"

Iseul covered my mouth before I could spat at him further. She apologised to the boy before dragging me away from the cafeteria, making a fool of myself. 

after going to a quiet place in the school, she glared at me and whisper shouted at me, clearly red faced from the scene I have caused. "What the hell is wrong with you? why did you attack that boy like that? He just inadvertently spilled the drink and unfortunately, you were the victim. So what? these things happen. oh my goodness, you can be so atrocious sometimes." She looked away from me and I kept quiet, processing her words. 

Rethinking about what I said, I suddenly had second thoughts of going to the cafeteria ever again. I was way too brutal about what I said, he apologised and I completely ignored his apology and he even bowed to me to show the sincerity in his actions. "This is unacceptable. Please look back at your actions and when you have more self control over your emotions, go back to the cafeteria to apologise to him. I will be in there to finish my well deserved meal that I didn't even get to take." 

Iseul walked back to the hallways and I just leaned on the wall. "this is so bad." I groaned and was debating whether to create another scene just to apologise to the poor boy. I guess he had blond hair that made me act up, considering our prestigious school and strict rules that we have to adhere and one of them seems to be "no coloured hair" and he runs around the campus like this. Maybe he's one of those trainee idols. I know there's like four guys in our school who is like a walking girl magnet, maybe he's one of them. 

Means ... oh no. oh shit. 

oh fuck.

They definitely have fangirls which would mean they would come after me for  being so merciless to their boy idol whatever. I turned back to the direction of the cafeteria when I saw a group of angry looking girls. 


I can't fight, I definitely can't go against a group of infuriated girls physically and verbally. One is good enough already. 

I stumbled backwards when I turned back and ran the other direction. and suddenly, I heard a shout from behind me. 

"IT'S HER!" 

Once I heard the awaited scream, running was my last, not just last and only option left to survive the hoard of raging girls. I swiftly turned to the side of the hallway thanks to my fast reflexes but luck was not on my side and someone bumped into me right after I turned. 

I fell on my ass and forehead hurts like hell. "Jesus christ. Who the hell has a chest as hard as a chopping boar-" I slowly opened my eyes and looked up, now I'm the one red faced, not Iseul anymore. 

It's the guy I foolishly shouted at. 

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