Y/n had started to record at the new studio, and her career was taking off very well-I and Steve watched all of this in Shelbyville- everyone loved her and her music, but there was a big controversy among people in Shelbyville and a few other states, about how she dressed and danced calling 'inappropriate' and 'impure', calming things they made up about her.

"Y/n The Tramp." She scoffed at the news article in a newspaper. "So clever." She was trying to write a song but all of this is making her unable to focus.

"Hey Y/n they don't know what they're talking about, I'm going to make it go away." Alexander reassured Y/n. "Also on a sweeter note we're going back to Shelbyville for a little while for you to perform."

"That's great." She mumbled, then she watched as a few people brought in a rack of dresses. "What's this?" She asked, looking at the bright-colored clothes.

"I tried talking sense into them like I told you, but they said you had to change your wardrobe an-"

She cut him off. "How am I supposed to dance in these?" They were puffy and would give her the classic look. "Am I supposed to add shorts under them?"

Alexander sighed. "That's kinda what they wanted to make sure, modest and you can't do the dancing."

Y/n looked through the dress. "I'm not wearing these, I make my clothes, and write my music. I shouldn't have to change biased on what those idiots want me to do."

"Yes they can." Alexander told her. "Or you can be Y/n the tramp for the rest of your career, it's the perfect time to 'change your image' your going on live TV tonight so all of America will see the new you."

That night Y/n was dressed in one of the new dresses, Y/n hated it she didn't feel like herself, she stood in the wings of the stage, shaking like a leaf she didn't feel confident wearing this or acting like this, she wasn't some girly girl and that's what they wanted her to be.

Alexander came up. "You'll do amazing Y/n." He squeezed her shoulder in reassurance and led her to the stage where they were about to film her up on that stage. The change to the wardrobe and her classic dancing being gone wasn't taken in well by her fans, but they still loved her and they blamed the change on her.

That night before she and Pierce went to the airport she'd gotten drunk as a skunk she'd only ever told me she got drunk but there was always a rumor she left with someone for an hour, but I'd never got it confirmed.

She came back to Shelbyville the next day, and I ran into her house. "Y/n!" I called out looking for her.

"In here." She said from the living room, I came in and sat on the couch with her. "Hey Bucky." She sounded almost sad. "Did you see the live show last night?" I nodded and she scoffed. "It was a mess. People wanted me to dress more modestly, I barely showed anything, I just where, and not dance the way I do, so what do they do dress me like a doll and throw me on stage, fans are outside the gate protesting that they want the real Y/n back, and that's what I want too."

"Look Y/n, it doesn't matter what they think you are amazing at what you do, you show them at that show you're going to do tomorrow show them you don't care what they think and who Y/n is." I told her, and she hugged me hiding her face in my chest.

"Thank you." It came out muffled.

"So other than that stress, how've you been?" I was genuinely curious.

"I've been okay, I guess, all of the 'Tramp' stuff has bugged me." She shrugged.

"No shit." I laughed.

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