Law of the Jungle

Start from the beginning

"It's... It's never easy to bury a friend." Cheetor expressed, feeling sorry for Tigatron.

"But it is too easy to do... this." Tigatron pointed out the destruction around the nature they lived in.

Everyone fell silent. That is the result of unending war. Carnage. Destruction. Undoing. Eons of battling each other both in Earth and Cybertron proved so.

"We had no choice, the Preds..."

"Predacon or Maximal, what is the difference?" Tigatron cuts Cheetor off. "In my lust for battle, I caused the death of an innocent." he said.

"There are no innocents. This is war and this... Well, this is simply a battlefield." Dinobot argued.

"But there are those that cannot defend themselves! The Maximals have sworn to this as did we before!" Prime protested.

"We made it so." Tigatron pointed out to Dinobot. "And every time we do, this world suffers. But I will have no more of it." After a silent moment, Tigatron announced "From this moment on,I am no longer part of the Beast Wars..."

"You would desert in the face of the enemy?" Dinobot asked despondently.

"You wouldn't." Cheetor tried to protest. "You... you can't..." he asked solemnly.

"My decision is made little cat. Farewell..." then the snow tiger Maximal left.


Everyone understood. Even times when innocents die, did cause some of their followers to renounce their cause. But in the Beast Wars? That may not happen there.

"So, the tiger no longer wishes to fight?" Inferno muses from afar, then he hails his comrades. "Inferno to Terrorsaur and Waspinator, regroup on my coordinates..."

"Something tells me he plans to take Tigatron out while he mourns." predicted Vortex.

Dreadwing frowned.

"I don't believe this." Dinobot spoke out in disbelief. While walking with Cheetor.

"Well, now what are we going to do...?" asked Cheetor.

"Predacons know how to deal with those who won't fight." Dinobot mulled. He suggested to Cheetor "Go back to base, you need repairs." and rushed off to where Tigatron departed.

"Hey wait! Dinobot!" Cheetor tried to reach out, but the damages around him proves he could not catch up, upon seeing Primal in the distance, he sighed "Thank the Matrix!"

The Predacons regrouped from a higher position somewhere in the mountains.

"We must return to base." suggested Terrorsaur.

"The Royalty commanded we capture the Maximals invading our colony. Will you explain our failure to him?" He said daring Terrorsaur to return empty-handed.

"Megatron not like failure." Waspinator reminded.

"Yes I do not, thank you." Megatron sarcastically commented.

"Yes, the royalty, arr, I mean, Megatron has been a bit testy lately... We'll do it." Terrorsaur relented. "But we close the trap on my signal." as he raises a strange orb-like device.

"Waspinator like signals." the aforementioned Predacon chirped.

Having hauled Cheetor back to territory near the Axalon, Primal dropped Cheetor and ordered "Head back to base and contact Rhinox as soon as you're in range. I want back up as soon as I can get it."

Transformers Prime react to Beast Wars: TransformersWhere stories live. Discover now